Friday, June 29, 2007
Anura: ..... ini mcm perlumbaan. (.... seems like a rivalry) Me: Perlumbaan? Perlumbaan apa? Siapa berlumba dgn siapa? (Rivalry? What rivalry? Who are da rivals?) Anura: Itu kau kena cari sendiri atau tanya (my "doctor" lah)(U have to fig out urself or ask (my "doctor" lah) Me: Asyik kena tanya dan cari sendiri nanti pening kepala. Agaknya (my "doctor") dah tau siapa gendut eh?(Always tell me to fig our myself. Wait my head go burst. Maybe (my "doctor") already know who is gendut?) As usual. I am still trying to fig out who is that gendut. Like I'd also mention, I thought (my "doctor" - I cant type da name here to avoid any embarrassment - he calls me nurse so by rite, I have to call him doctor, ehehee) is gendut. However, Anura has reiterate a few times that he is not gendut.
Monday, June 25, 2007
On 20th June, JUST a day I received that good news from HR dept regarding an increment to my salary, I heard yet a devastating rumour ABT ME!! Below is an email extract to ehem.. "my doctor." *winkz* Me apa lagi ah.. Me terpaksa tinggikan suara ah. me dah geram. (I have enuff. I have no choice I have to raise my voice a bit. I am already fuming mad!) Me ckp (With my almost wanna cry voice, I answered) to my colleague, "From where she hear da stupid news?! Why she anyhow say? Did she see me went in to LST's (da lawyer in-charge)'s room and hand over da letter?!" My colleague senyum (My colleague just smiled) trying to cool me down, and told me, "Just leave it. Keep cool and keep this matter to urself. Dun confront her. If she asked u then u can say whatever u want to say to her. If she didnt ask, just keep cool and quiet. She will get her retribution." ARGH!!! GERAMNYER.. Baru smlm me received good news from HR dept pasal me get increment then this stupid rumour pulak yg me dgr! (Grrr... How maddening! I just received good news from HR dept regarding my salary increment yestday and now I am hearing this stupid rumour!) Me suspect that she got da wrong idea ah. My ofis mana ada partition and my telephone extension is shared among 5 pple and da person who picked up da phone is that colleague yg ckp me nak tender. (I suspected that THAT COLLEAGUE had got da wrong idea. As u are informed, da office I am working in has NO PARTITION and a few of us shared an extension. When YO from HR called me, THAT COLLEAGUE answered da phone.) So maybe dia fikir (So maybe she anyhow predict) da HR dept call me to tell me abt other things - u know, if u are tendering, HR will call u to inform you how many of days u are left with etcetra lah. APA SEH! WRONG INFO! (WHAT LAH! WRONG INFO!) THEN BROADCAST TO ALL DA PPLE. Me can keep cool tapi kalau dah over da limit... ME AKAN BETUL2 BLOW MY TOP nyer... ... Tak kira ah colleague tu pangkat makcik ker pakcik ker but if dah really over, me have to say my right. Correct? (I can keep calm and cool but if it has gone overboard, I WILL DEFINITELY BLOW MY TOP.. DUN THINK I DARE.. I dun even care if da colleagues of mine are elderly and has to show respect.. if really over da limit, I have to be firm and say my right!) P/S: Sorry ah if me bothering you. Me mcm nak call ajer nak luahkan tapi memandangkan both of us are working, tak per ah email ajer.. (Sorry, if I am bothering u. I am thinking of just calling u to vent it out but because both of us are at work and have loads of work to do, I will just email u.) I AM SO FCUKED UP! WHATS THIS?! PLEASE! I HAVE ENUFF OF PROBLEMS. I HAVE COMPLICATED FAMILY PROBLEMS AND U PPLE KEEP ADDING PROBLEMS! What is it that u pple are envy of me UNTIL u pple can come up with this STUPID RIDICULOUS rumours that I AM TENDERING?! Readers, I know. There is politics everywhere. But u do not know that da politics I am currently enduring is WORSE! If u dun believe, go ahead, come to Donaldson and try working here. Within 6 months, pple will start to backstab u. Part of me want to leave this murky shit place. Da other part of me tells me to stay, besides, I just got myself an increment. Its not nice to leave when ur bosses has agreed to give u an increment. FINE. I WILL BE FIRM FROM NOW ON. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another few things to add... Surfing da net and reading emails ARE TWO different things. Like I'd said there isnt any partitions so ... argh!! dun wish to say it anymore!!! I CANT STAND IT LAH. If she is abt my mum's age, I can understand. Coz most of da pple abt my mum's age, are not that IT-Savvy. Not only is she not IT-savvy! She doesnt know da diff between surfing da net and sending email using Outlook Express (most of da companies using Outlook express as their email interface) I am sending email using Outlook Express and not yahoo or msn or hotmail.. besides I am only typing an email.. I am not typing as if I am chatting... Like duhz.. JUST CANT ENDURE pple around my age who doesnt have a computer at home or email access at home and come to work criticize everybody abt we being very stubborn still playing da internet. Da term 'playing' is surfing or chatting. Not emailing! If I was emailing my friend using yahoo, msn or hotmail, yes...she can do so but she blind or what.. didnt see that it is outlook express? That means, I am sending emails relating to work or watsoever. THE HATEFUL THING.. LIKE I'D SAID NO PARTITIONS.. So, she has da cheek to come over to my place to 'kepo' to see what da hell I was typing! She saw da subject matter and then with a sarcasm, "Siapa lah dia nak send tu." I minimised da window coz ITS PERSONAL..and she's not suppose to do that - PRYING ON PPLE'S PERSONAL EMAILS/MAILS/TELEPHONE CONVERSATION.. ARGH!!! AKU DAH NAK GILA!!! (I am going crazy!) PLEASE HELP!!!
As usual, da email will be in mixture of English and malay. However, I will have da translation embedded in brackets.
Me baru ajer sampai ofis, (Da moment I stepped into da office) and one of my colleague asked me this, "Are u tendering?" :shock face:
Me terperanjat lah. Me jwb, "No." (I was petrified! I answered, "NO!") My colleague said, "I firmly answered her in Tamil, 'NO' but she insisted with, 'Yes. She is.' Again, I told her, 'NO' but she still asserted that u are really tendering."
Me tetap very angry ah (I was still very furious) and said to my colleague, "Why?! She very happy issit if I leave? Whether I leave or not, none of her business what?!"
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Continuation from 17 May 2007. Please scroll down to read that first if you want before reading this. Thank you. Before I start with da reasons.. I have to first let u knw tat it will be easier for me to explain in English.. So I hope u dun mind if most of da wordings in this email are in English.. As I have stated in da sms this morning.. whoever is da guy who wants to marry me MUST accept my grandparents. (Edit: Now is only grandmother because my grandfather has passed away exactly 7 months ago.) If they can't.. I will reject them. I understand that will only happens when both my grandparents are still alive. If they have passed away, dun ever think that I can accept guys easily.. NO.. Yeah I understand.. "Who doesnt want to get married?" But I have my other reasons.. 1) U shld know that I am now studying for my degree part time. I dun care lah if da guys who approached me are O level graduates, A level graduates, ITE or Diploma. I am not looking down on pple. I dun like but I do not want pple to look down on me for having bf/fiance/husband who are lower educated than da wife. It is easy to say, "Go and look for a guy who has da same qualification as u or at least one level lower (diploma) than u." It is easy for pple to say that but not easy for me to find that particular guy.. Also it will be an opportunity for guys not to work coz wife has higher qualification and earned more than them. Instead of husband giving wife $$, is da other way round.. I dont want that to happen.. I know.. not all guys are like that. I dun care if da guy lower educated than me as long as he will not be making use of me for free lodging! 2) Honestly I tell u.. I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO COOK. If u can still remember during Home Econs practical lessons.. I didnt do a proper cooking. Jgn ckp masak..jahit pun tak tau!! Remember Sec 2.. I brought home my sewing and let my grandma do it for me? Hahaha.. Anyway, back to reason number 2. Every guy / husband will want his girl / wife to cook for him. If I do not know how to cook, it is da same as I am humiliating them. Their family members will say malicious words to them abt me for not treating da husband well and so forth.. If husband or even me cannot endure any longer..will lead to divorce.. Dah janda aku!! Salam Ramadhan.. Maria @ Amy Maria aka Amyria Email dated 25 October 2006 Hello there again... (FYI, while typing tis, I kept controlling my tears..) I have to elaborate more on why I insisted on saying andartu..andartu.. U knw, tak semestinya perkahwinan boleh membawa kebahagiaan.. Tidak kahwin pun boleh bahagia.. I have witnessed it myself. My mum married twice and BOTH husbands didnt provide her with happiness! YES! Dun think my step dad ever provide her with happiness. Since 5 years ago, I witnessed it all. He didnt appreciate wat my mum did for him. And tis leads me to have da perception tat all guys out there are not appreciative, selfish and think abt themselves. I feared that one day I may find that kind of guy. I dun wish to experience wat my mum experience. U wanna knw something.. U muz b wondering y my grandparents sold their unit at Blk 427 Clementi Ave 3 and stayed with my mum and my step dad's house, which is at Clementi West Street 2? Semua gara-gara my step dad!! He instigated my mum to pujuk my grandparents to sell da unit and moved in with them. My grandparents tat time didnt think much of da consequences.. So they give in. // u muz be wondering how I knw. Well, when my step dad's not around, I overheard da confession my mum made to my grandma.. Tats how I knw!!! // Of coz, aft selling da grandparents were given a lump sum of money. They sold da unit for $190,000. Yup.. Wanna knw wat happen to da money? Of coz my granddad really wanna distribute it to his children and their spouses. My aunt and husband got $20K each (they kept da money till now. They will use it for emergency use), my uncle and wife also got da same amt (they use da money to tunaikan umrah..) For my mum and her husband.. is a diff case. My mum pleaded my granddad to give them 10K more. So both my mum and my stepdad got $30K each. Wat did they do with da money? Buy car!! Yes. My mum did tell my step dad to juz rent or buy a smaller car coz we are not fcuking rich to afford to have bigger and expensive car but my step dad took advantage of da money my granddad gave to him for him to tunaikan haji or watever.. He use tat money plus another $30K frm my mum to pay downpayment of da car and da downpayment of $60K STILL wasnt enuff!!! He requested my mum to ask for another $6,000!!! frm my granddad.. So total downpayment needed for one luxurious car is $66,000!! And WHERE DOES TAT MONEY COMES FROM? NOT FROM titik peluh my step dad BUT FRM MY GRANDPARENTS!! Da money got frm selling da house shld be for my grandparents to use for future or emergency use NOT for enjoyment of others!! AND U KNW WAT? HE DIDNT EVEN UTTER A SINGLE THANK YOU TO MY MUM WHO SUSAH PAYAH PUJUK MY GRANDDAD FOR DA MONEY OR A THANK YOU TO MY GRANDDAD WHO ADD ANOTHER $6K FOR HIS STUPID CAR DOWNPAYMENT!! NO.. NOT AT ALL. NOT EVEN AFTER 5 YEARS!!!! Eventhough my grandparents moved in to HIS house, he NEVA talks to them. NO, NOT AT ALL.. HE juz do his own stuffs.. He treats them like some kind of refugees seeking refuge in his house!!! DIDNT HE REALIZE IF IT WASNT FOR MY GRANDDAD'S MONEY, HE WONT BE USING TAT CAR OF HIS!!! Remember I did sms u before abt my mum and my step dad gaduh and trying ro get a divorce? Tats is drama semata-mata. He is doing tat so tat BOTH MY GRANDPARENTS WILL LEAVE HIS HOUSE. But they still staying in his house but NOT for long. My uncle has seeked HDB's approval for rented house for them and I AM GONNA STAY WITH THEM COZ THEY TOOK CARE OF ME SINCE I WAS ONLY 14 DAYS OLD.. I have enuff.. I always prayed tat my grandparents got a rented flat soon so I can move in with them. Tats y one of da reasons y I dun wish to marry is becoz of tis.. My mum's husband tried many ways to kick my grandparents out of da house coz he only wants his own family to be staying with him. Who knws if I were to get to meet sumone same as him as in dun even let my mum or my grandparents (if they still alive) to move in with him? Tats y I said in da previous email, I will only accept a guy who is willing to care and give shelter to my aged grandparents.. Kalau tak.. I wont marry.. Last but not least, my mum has been diagnosed with brittle bones since late Feb 2006. Tis brittle bones is a dangerous sickness.. If my mum found out abt da illness late by only a few days, she has to be in da wheelchair!!! ITUPUN MY STEP DAD STILL THINKS ABT HIMSELF!! Tis brittle bones sickness doesnt require da patient to work. Has to stay at home. I have requested my mum to quit. But my STEP DAD (HIM AGAIN!!) ORDERED MY MUM TO LISTEN TO HIM AND NOT TO ME. HE WANTS MY MUM TO CONTINUE WORKING TILL DA AGE OF 60 (My mum's company retirement age) Wat?!!! He expects my mum with tat kind of sickness to work for another 7 or 8 years?!!! TATS Y I SAID HE DIDNT PROVIDE MY MUM WITH HAPPINESS!!! IF MY MUM IS NOT HAPPY!! I AM NOT HAPPY AS WELL!!! Tats all.. Kalau email ini mcm terkasar sikit, I'm sorry coz aku geram and marah abt how men treat women.. Y men took women for granted. Itu pasal aku takut nak kahwin.. Biarlah jadi bachelorette.. lagi senang.. tak runsingkan fikiran.. Salam Lebaran Maria @ Amy Maria aka Amyria Note: My late grandfather passed away on 19 November 2006. Today is 19 June 2007 >> 7 months after his pemergian. Thats why I chose today to blog da above. Readers, u may think that I lead a great life. U are wrong. Deep down, I am . Sumtimes I always think why I was in this kind of complicated family. That explained why I tend to be quiet and not chatty enuff. Sumtimes, I like to sms friends coz I always felt kinda bored. Bored in da sense that I want to get rid of all da problems that I have been thinking out of my head. It hurts me more when da pple I sms didnt reply. But I dun blame them coz they do NOT KNOW my problem.. Oh, before I end this, my grandmother and I are still staying at my stepdad's flat. My grandparents had actually gotten their rented flat and was supposed to move in to their rented flat on 20 November 2006 (that was why I applied for 2 days leave on those days) but please continue reading what happened (for first timers) by clicking HERE. Thanks. GOOD NEWS: Alhamdulilah.. My prayers and most importantly, my grandma's has been answered by GOD. YO from HR/Accounts Dept (she is also in charge of Accounts, thats why I wrote HR/Accounts) called me at about 5pm today at work at my extension. She conveyed a pleasing news:- Da partners (all da lawyers? - think so) have agreed to give me an increment with effect from 1 June 2007! So instead of getting $1, 600 with 20% CPF deduction=$1277 on 26 June 2007, I'll be getting $1650 with 20% CPF deduction = $1317? *Is that rite?* Alhamdulilah. Syukur. // I know increment of $50 to some of u is NOTHING. But to me, IT IS SOMETHING. Yeah, I know I sound pathetic. Who cares. Increment of $50 or $500 is SOMETHING to me. That is what I want. To make my grandma happy. To let my grandma sort of 'show off' to my step dad that a drug addict daughter able and capable of getting that kind of pay! Now u get what I meant by making my grandma happy?
I was retrieving my old emails I sent to countless people, be it forwarded stuffs, sch stuffs or personal emails. I would like to share one particular email which I sent on 12 October 2006 & 25 October 2006 to one of my 3 best friends, Faridah.
Email dated 12 October 2006.
Dear Faridah..
// Even if my dad isnt/wasnt a drug addict/drinker, my mum will still ask for a divorce coz my dad malas bekerja and always ask for money from my mum. //
4) I sumhow still have no faith in guys.. Sebelum kahwin, they said all sorts of sweet things to u.. bila dah kahwin, dia dah jadi ketua rumah.. Isteri kena ikut ckp dia.. Itu mmg betul but if isteri tak nak ikut ckp dia, kalau dpt husband yg penyabar, neva mind but what if dpt husband yg suka pukul bantai isteri.. I still remembered a news frm Berita Harian last year. In Dover, a malay couple.. Husband beat da wife and da wife died.. Sungguh menyerikan .. Itu yg aku takut.. Also.. ada lelaki nak kan perempuan utk kikis duit perempuan.. I dont want that kind of guys..
Those are my reasons.. That was y I said, "complicated" all my 4 reasons are deprived frm a complicated case. So to avoid more complications, lebih baik aku andartu sudah! Kita merancang, Tuhan yang menentukan.. Kalau Allah sudah tentukan yg aku tiada jodoh.. aku terima dgn rela.. Amin..
Friday, June 15, 2007
Take Note: Will be in mixture of malay and english. Well its not that I dun know how to translate it to english but I am just plain lazy lah. Heh. For those who are first timers, please scroll for June 9 entry and click here for May 29 entry. For those who are regular readers, u may do da same to refresh ur memory..
gendut tak pergi kan? hahaha..
ANura Abdullah:
gendut pergi ngan kau kan
huh? pergi dgn saya? gi mana ? bila?
ANura Abdullah:
mana aku tahu...
kalau tak tau abih knp type "gendut pergi ngan kau kan."
ANura Abdullah:
abis mana aku ada janji ngan gendut nak gi batam
Ooo.. baru saya faham....
so kalau gendut tak pergi batam, saya rasa saya dah tahu siapakah gerangan dia.
ANura Abdullah:
TAK mau ckp ah kalau salah, saya MALU.
ANura Abdullah:
aku tahu siapa yg kau masudkan
ANura Abdullah:
mesti (name has been erased to avoid more embarassment.. LoL) maksud kau?
alamak.. asal (name has been erased to avoid more embarassment.. LoL) lak awak sebut..
ANura Abdullah:
pasal kau selalu ingat begitu padahal bukan dia hehehehehehehe
P/S: To my readers, see I told u! I am not very good in guessing. See, I know it.. My guess is sure wrong. See lah! U dun know how embarassed I was in front of da PC.. Really malu u know!
kan ..saya dah kata kan... mesti saya salah nyer... wahahahahahaa..
P/S: Da rest of da chats are not suppose to be expose. :X
nari birthday B... kita gi celebrate kat pizza hut..
ANura Abdullah:
oh tak kasi hadiah?
dah.. jam tangan..saya dan gf dia share
sambil nak beli hadia tu, saya nampak benda2 yg saya rasa saya nak belikan sebagai hadiah utk awak, ehem gendut (kalau bday dia lum lepas), and etc
ANura Abdullah:
brapa org pergi makan tadi?
ANura Abdullah:
takkan ber3 jer kan?
4 org
abih lepas makan saya rasa mcm sakit perut..mungkin makanan pizza hut tak serasi utk badan saya rasa mcm nak muntah, pening dan mabuk2
ANura Abdullah:
oh patut lah hari ni kau sakit dan demam
huh? saya dah ok lah.. apalak sakit dan demam..siapa ckp (name has been erased to avoid more embarassment.. LoL) ker?
ANura Abdullah:
tenguk (name has been erased to avoid more & more embarassment.. LoL) lagi...
apa yg tenguk (name has been erased to avoid more embarassment.. LoL)?
dia ada masuk tv ker? apa channel? hahahahaha
ANura Abdullah:
kau mesti dah jatuh cinta ngan (name has been erased to avoid more embarassment.. LoL) tak ni....
ANura Abdullah:
apa saja.... awak tu lah kata gendut.. saya gi lah cari then dia sorang per yg gendut.. siapa lagi seh yg gendut... wahahahaehehehehe
ANura Abdullah:
hehehehehehe.sememangnya kau suka dia....
sesungguhnya saya hanya nak tahu siapa gendut.. tu saja.. :P
ANura Abdullah:
(name has been erased to avoid more embarassment.. LoL) seorang ker yg gendut?
awak and dia lah...abih siapa lagi seh... then awak pun asyik ckp, "aku jeles" so saya rasa mesti (name has been erased to avoid more embarassment.. LoL) ah coz dia kawan baik awak kan.. hehehhehehe.
ANura Abdullah:
tapi bukan dia, kau kena cari sendiri...
itu pasal lah nanti saya sakit tau.. asyik cari cari... hmm... siapa lagi eh yg gendut and kenal awak dan saya? *fikir maria fikir*
ANura Abdullah:
aik? awak ketawa lak.. kalau saya sakit, (name has been erased to avoid more & embarassment..where to put my face, shld I face that person.. LoL) jugak yg susah sebab dia "doctor" saya..ehehehe..
ANura Abdullah:
ialah pasangan kekasih katakan
Jgn ckp cam tu nanti gendut jeles.. tapi kan kedua2nya gendut.. ehehehe.. gendut yg mana saya nak eh? dua2 skali boleh? hahahahahah..
ANura Abdullah:
suka kau lah maria asalkan kau bahagia dapat gendut sudah
ANura Abdullah:
Klah aku nak gi makan rasa lapar pula kirim salam gendut kau tu
kirim salam gendut? kalau kirim salam (name has been erased to avoid more embarassment.. LoL) boleh lah saya sampaikan...tapi gendut yg sorang lagi, dia belum tampilkan diri, saya tak tau dia siapa camner nak sampaikan salam wahahahaehehehe...
ANura Abdullah:
sampaikan salam diangin lalu
ok selamat malam
17 June - Family Day @ Singapore Discovery Centre. Performances/appearances by Taufik at 9.30am, Jonathan at 12.30pm and HADY MIRZA at 1.45pm. Am 88% going for it.. with my HapyHadys t-shirt!!! Sorry, Taufik, would like to go for urs too but urs is tooo early.. Grr..
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I seldom put on make up. I did for 2 days in a row. Because of that, pple ask me, "Wah.. Maria dah ader guy eh." . . . One despatch guy, Uncle Maideen, he treats me like his daughter, "Wah skg saya dah ada "menantu" ah.. Siapa ah?" I was like kinda blur and had no idea whats with them when they saw me with make up on my face. I just replied, "I want to change image lah." Then they added, "Want to change image, not complete. Ur spectacles u change to wearing lens." HUH?! Wear contact lenses?!! NO!! I dun DARE.. Dun ask me to wear contact lenses OK!!!
After work, I have an appointment. An appointment with Fikq, a HapyHady at 6.30pm at Eunos MRT. Purpose: Collect my HapyHadys T-shirt! *semangat seh* Nicely done in dark navy blue colour. I ordered Size M. *What cant fit? Says who? :tongue lashing:*
After I collected my HapyHadys T-shirt, I went back and I was feeling lazy and boring to go home that soon. So, I went to watch a movie! Yes! ALONE. Well, before that, I did invite sumone.
Me: Sigh.. Dr (Short form for doctor NOT dear! and yup I called sumone doctor and that sumone called me ehem, nurse winkz - *Hmm, I suspect he could be da one[if u have been reading my blog u shld know what I meant; I am not going to elaborate further.. Lets keep it suspense for awhile.. ehehee..*), aft work, me thinking of watching movie but takkan ah nak gi sorang2. My friends dari tadi blum reply my msg (They hadnt still!! Grr!!).
Reply: Nape? U nak date me ke *wink2*
Me: Huh? Me date u?! Guys are da one asking for date. Gals dun do that. Takper ah I gi sorang.
Reply: Skg kan zaman terbalik.
Me: K lah boleh lah kalau u sudi. ;-P
Reply: Nari me tak work, cse for 3 days
Me: apa tu cse? wait.. cse tu course eh? cse is short form for course?
Reply: hah betul tu. my company sent me for adobe photoshop.
Me: Wow! Bestnyer. I would like to take that one day too. Boleh lah kalau dr dah pandai ajar me, k.. ;-D
Me: kat mane?
Reply: buana vista
Me: dekatnyer..
Reply: Lepas ni me gi ofis to clear sum work
Me: Rajinnyer..
// K enuff..cannot expose too much smses.. LoL . *winkz at that sumone in case he reads this*//
So since da person I invited was busy today, I went to watch da movie, Fantastic Four : Rise of the Silver Surfer alone at Jurong East Entertainment. From Eunos MRT, I took mrt to Jurong East. When da train stops at Paya Lebar MRT, I saw a familiar face. It could be Shirin.
Then, when da train stops at Aljunied, she and her friend/colleague came closer to where I was standing. She noticed me. We smiled. Shirin said, "U're Amy Maria rite?" I nodded and replied, "Yes." We shook hands, "Nice meeting you." I agreed, "Yup, nice meeting you too." I added on, "From work?" She answered with a smile, "Yup, I was from work and headed on to meet a friend."
We didnt chat, as she was busy chatting with her friend/colleague. But she still strikes a conversation with me. What a nice, friendly personality she has. She has to alight at City Hall MRT to meet her friend. While waiting for da train to reach City Hall, a friend of hers called on her hp. I heard da word, "cute guys" and she looked at me and gave laugh. I laughed too.. Hah.. Typical of us gals huh?
When da train has reached City Hall, we bidded each other goodbyes and she told me this, "Send my regards to ur mum yeah." I answered, "Sure, me too." I think I heard her saying, "Insya-Allah." In case u readers have forgotten, Shirin's parents and my mum were schmates and NPCC mates back in Pasir Panjang Secondary.
*huh, what? pic? thats why lah! i forgot to ask her to have a pic with me. sigh.. next time, besides just now we were in da train with lots of pple. and i wasnt ready for a pic.. i have her friendster, she is very photogenic and good at camwhoring. i am in da process of learning how to cawhore.. wahahaha..*
So I found myself a seat and headed down to Jurong East MRT. Upon reaching Jurong East Entertainment, I was lost! *Hey, how could u possibly be lost, u went for ur mandarin classes and ur sch is at jurong east* I know that but sumhow, there used to be a ticket counter at Level 1. Then my attention was directed to Seth, another HapyHady. I saw him there!
I approached him and had a chat for a while and lucky I mentioned to him that I wanna watch a movie but sumhow I couldnt find da ticket counter. He told me that it is now shifted to level 2. I was surprised. I informed him that da ticket counter used to be at level 1. Seth mentioned that there was some reconstructing going on a few months ago. Oh! Now I remember! *shaking my head and asking to myself, 'Why am I always very blur?'* LoL..
7.45pm, MOVIE Time. Da movie's great. U got to watch it urself to find out how great it is. My rate is 4 out of 5 stars. Finally Mr Fantastic and Miss Invisible Woman got married >> That was da last part. K, I know I shldnt give that away. Hah.
I had a fantastic day today. Good nite.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Like I'd blogged before, I believe I know who is "gendut" whom Anura mentioned my "new friend". However when she gave me one more clue, I am stuck again.
Her clue, "Umur dia 25 tahun." I gasped. Huh? 25? So my guess was wrong. Coz da only (heehee.. plumb - plumb is gendut in english - friend both Anura and I know, isnt 25 yrs of age. *winkz*) So who is this other gendut whom Anura knows but I dun know and is 25 yrs of age and Anura said my "new friend"?
WHO? Hmm... Or maybe Anura get da age wrongly?
P/S: Anugerah Planet Muzik - Congrats to both HADY MIRZA and Taufik for winning 2 awards and 5 awards respectively! Oh yeah to their best buddy, Imran Ajmain, congratz to him too for winning 4 awards!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Anura extended her invitation to me for da above trip. Sounds interesting but I have to decline her offer.
1) My passport will expire in 2 months time and I am not sure if I am able to travel within that 2 months. If cant, I am just plain lazy to go all da way to Lavender to renew it. Heh.
2) I am left with 6 days for my leave this year. I have taken da other 6 days for my exams. I cant possibly take another 1 or 2 days and left another 2 or 3 days for my leave and I feared I may not have enuff leave for Sept exams and for doing my dissertation.
3) Do u think my grandma allowed me to? Haha.. Da Karimun Island trip, Indonesia way back in da year 1999 also she didnt allow it but my mum assure her that I would be fine as it was a sch trip. But this Batam trip is neither a sch trip nor business trip. Not even company trip. So, do u think she allow? LoL
4) She is going with Z and Zul (with their friends). Once I hear Z going, da more I dun wanna go. Sighz.. I dun know lah.. I just dun feel comfortable when Z is going to be there too. Anura knows why. Well, most of da WESSC volunteers know what was da story going on between me and Z. I blogged before, way back in 2004. But I was instructed by Z, in a very harsh and aggressive manner to delete that particular entry. Fine. I have already deleted it and a few but not da rest (5 July 2004, 30 June 2004, 29 June 2004, 12 June 2004, 9 June 2004, 5 June 2004) No point writing to u, readers da whole story again. For now, I JUST WANNA FORGET IT. I have now move on.
//Shortcuts to some of da entries for da benefit of u: Click here for 9 June 2004, click here for 12 June 2004, and click here for 30 June 2004
Saturday, June 02, 2007
I am just plain lazy to update my blog. No worries coz da pics will do da "talking". *BIG SMILES*
Guess what? While waiting for TAUFIK to perform, Dira and I saw a 'celeb'. Yes, he also performed for da event. However, he has to be backstage to do some preparations first. So, Dira and I rushed off backstage to take a solo pic of him!!

Next performance:
Yup! Shabeer, da Vasantham Idol winner!
Da performance I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!!!
After da event, Dira and I went CAMWHORING!!!
The end. =)