


my story. my words. my life. my prerogative

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Number 27 makes our day

As planned, 29th July is another outing (this time, organized by me). Well, I organized it coz Abg Sofian's last day was on Tues, 25th July so it was like a get together for us. However, at da last min, Abg Sofian smsed me early in da morning yestday informing me tat he cant make it. Well, I understand.. We have to pay respect to da dead. So, da four of us went ahead instead:- Myself, PW, J and of coz, B.

We went to KTV as usual, our 1st activity.. We went to a different branch of Partyworld tis time. I have no idea where. I juz follow da "leader". He led da way, I juz followed frm behind.. I mean, we ladies juz followed.

Number 27. Tats our room number. He start da ball rolling by singing MY FAVOURITE SONG: TONG HUA - GUANG LIANG.. Da rest while ordering drinks, we chose our songs..

Aft his song, I got to sing a few of my selected songs. First song I sang: Never Had A Dream Come True by S-Club 7, Before I Fall In Love by Coco Lee. Den aft tat, J sang all da way.

Me and B did sing a duet as promised. Shan Hu Hai (Coral Sea) by Jay Chou and Lara. J praised tat I sing Chinese song very well.. B didnt say anything. He juz said, "OK lor, can pass." *eyes roling*

So we sang and sang and thank you B!! U really made my day. I was juz gesturing him to choose An Jing and Feng song by Jay Chou and sing it for me for da KTV. He thought I was serious and he did choose those songs and sing it!! For An Jing, I sing together with him coz I knw da song and I love tat song..

I also sang, I Knew I Loved You-Savage Garden, Not a Girl Not Yet a Woman-Britney Spears, Dear Diary-Britney Spears, I Turn To You-Christina Aguilera, Anywhere For You-Backstreet Boys, Eternal Flame - Bangles (sing along with PW) Angel-Robbie Williams, My Love- Westlife, I Have a Dream-ABBA, Mungkin Nanti-Peter Pan, and Truly, Madly, Deeply-Savage Garden.

Aft tat we went to Marina Square (again) to play pool. J suggested bowling coz she's gd at it. PW doesnt mind, she's on for everything. So do I and B but long queue as usual so we decided to play pool instead. Guess wat is our table number for pool? Such a coincidence!! Number 27!!!

First, me and J play while B telling PW da rules of da game. (PW's first time in playing pool). J won da game.. Gd for u.. Gd for a beginner.. I have no idea where my skills gone to.. I was as gd as B 3 years ago.. Sigh.

Aft J and me, PW and J's turn to play while I watch. Not bad for a first time player. PW won da game. Next, PW and myself. I have no idea wat kind of jinx has stucked to me. I lose da game.. I lose da game to a first time player!!! Argh!!

Then, me and B played on next. I have nothing to say. He always bully me. He won da game. Wat irks me is, how cld he say tis:-
"My granny can play betta than u."

Juz becoz Abg Sofian not here he can bully me.. Wait till he is available, we will c how B react when he got bullied.. *tongue lashing*

Final 2 games, a tag team match. Me and B teaming up against PW and J. B volunteered to team up with me coz he said,
"We all win at least 1 game so I'll let u win one game by teaming up with u."

So, did my team win 2 games? NOPE..It is a draw.. PW and J won da 1st match and my team won 2nd.. When losing da 1st game, I looked at B and B juz shook his head and whispered me,

"One thing I learn."
ME:Wat? Wat is da 1 thing u learn?
HE: "Neva team with Maria."

He really pissed me off and tats y I scored most of it and made my team won da 2nd game!! As we were all jet-lagged, we headed home. We went separate ways.. B is not my bf, y shld he escort me everytime. True, isnt it?

So, tats abt all da activities summarized briefly. Tmr had to work and its health screening!!! J, B and myself signed up for it. Last year, I did go to coz of my previous company. My cholestrol level is slightly higher than normal. I wonder how will my cholestrol level be like tmr...

Amyria pours her heart out @ 11:58 pm   |

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Abg Sufian's last day

// listening to Jian Dan Ai - Jay Chou //

Today is Abg Sufian's last day at Donaldson & Burkinshaw. Its sad to hear he is leaving Donaldson so soon.. I mean as me and him have been getting close in terms of brother-sister relationship, he has to leave.. It is sad..

He told me.. "Aft u have worked a certain plc so long and u want to leave, it is unbearably sad to leave coz of da pple u knw and very close to.."

Yup, wat he said is true.. I experienced it on 6th January 2006 (although I wasnt close with any of da colleagues - juz normal colleague interaction), aft working in KCAP for 1 year and 1 week, I felt sad shaking their hands and leave da plc.

For Abg Sufian, it is gonna be more sad coz he has work for Donaldson for almost 4 years and very close with almost everyone.. So it is even harder and sadder for him to leave. But life has to go on.. He cant be working as a despatch forever!!! He has qualifications and with his qualifications, he can find other job betta than being a despatch..

2day, is our last lunch appointment with Abg Sufian.. He advised me sumthing, "If u want to knw a person, u muz knw da gd and bad thing abt tat person." He was mentioning abt B. 2day, B didnt lunch with us. I do not knw y. I did ask him and he told me tat he was meeting a friend but Abg Sufian doubt so. He told me, "Kepala angin lah dia.. Jgn tanya dia lagi, betul ke tak dia meet friend dia.. Dia kalau very moody.. Suka left alone."

Oh, so B can be very moody too. Hey, so do I.. When I am moody, I dun like to talk to pple and love to be left alone. Hmm, I wonder wat makes him very moody...

So, my request frm Abg Sufian cld not be fulfilled coz of B as B didnt lunch with us. My request to Abg Sufian is to have a picture taken with all of us. Sigh.. I hope B will be in a gd mood tmr..

Anyway, looking forward for SATURDAY!!!

Amyria pours her heart out @ 11:01 pm   |

Saturday, July 22, 2006

B's back

listening to Shan Hu Hai (CORAL SEA) by Jay Chou and Lara

He's back today!! I saw him at work!! :) Well, I knw beforehand tat he will be coming to work today coz he smsed me yestday!!!

His sms, "clementi there got place play pool"
My reply, "yes. y? u wanna play pool? with who?"
He replied, "u lor tomolo aft work. i am meeting my friend there at 3 so to kill time, play pool with u lor."

His sms gave me a smile on face. He brightened up my day yestday.. :) So today, I called his extension to confirm he is really here and yes, he is here!! I told him tat aft work at 12.30pm, I will go down (his dept) to meet him to do some transfering of songs (b4 he left for reservist, he did informed me tat he wants Feng (Jay Chou) and Tong Hua (guang liang) song in my mp3 - coz he doesnt have them)

Aft done with da transferring, off we went to clementi. :) he bullied me again!!! He won all da 4 games.. I only won 1 game!!! :(

He actually wanted to escort me home at 3.15pm (coz his friend was late and didnt even call him to inform him of his lateness). As we were abt to board da bus, his phone rang. It was his friend and he had to meet his friend (sec sch friend), said gd bye to me. I can see a sad expression on his face.

29 JULY >> another KTV session. He has informed me tat he wants to duet with me tis song:- SHAN HU HAI (coral sea) - JAY CHOU & LARA. I have abt one week to practise...
//Hey, who says malay cant listen to mandarin songs? Last time, I used to listen ONLY but now, ever since i started learning Mandarin, I started to sing all those mandarins songs which I'd listened :D//

Pple who r going to 29th July KTV >> PW, J, B, myself & abg Sufian (he might bring his wife along). Its gonna be another great day!!! *big smile on my face*

// aft keying tis entry, song playing now and I am listening to it now >> FIR - Lydia

Amyria pours her heart out @ 8:54 pm   |

Sunday, July 16, 2006

pathetic . . .

Places of Tourists Attractions in Singapore

I am 22 coming to 23.. Have I been to any of da above places so far ?? Hmm.. *thinking* and still thinking..

O.K . . . Here is my honest lame pathetic answers..

When I was in primary 2, da 1st place I was brought to is HAW PAR VILLA (which no longer in existence), 2 years later (in pri 4), I was brought to SENTOSA >> take cable car!! Weee!! So fun!!!

In year 2001, I worked as an assistant teacher at a PAP Community Foundation Kindergarten. There was an outing during March holidays >> trip to Zoo.. I went there for da FIRST time of my life.. Maybe it is ALSO gonna b my last? Who knws?

For places like bird park, night safari, theme park and downtown east.. DUN BOTHER to give u an answer as da answer is NO!! Yes, I have neva been to bird park, night safari, theme park and downtown east.. Wat a pathetic life I got eh?

P/S: B is gonna b back on 21st July!!! hooray!! And he is working on 22nd July (we're on da same Sat shift >> remember?? ;D) He has been really sweet and helpful by calling me up and chat on da phone, logging in to MSN for a MSN chat session and replying to my constant smses.. even though he is in reservist. His reservist is 8am to 5pm kinda of hours.. Tats y he is able to do all da above with me.. ;-)

We have decided for a get together on 22nd or 29th July. I have invited Ainn (since she has met J and B b4) and she will keep me posted with her confirm answer soon. On 22nd or 29th, we are planning to have all 3 at one go >> KTV, pool and bowling!!! Wow!!! Spent, spent and spent.. Wahahaha..

Amyria pours her heart out @ 12:43 am   |

Friday, July 14, 2006

Dreams and shadows

Some dreams are permanently etched in our mind just like our everyday experiences. I wld get flashes of images in my head, faces of pple, plcs, and events just like how things suddenlly pop up in our mind without us consciously thinking of them...

At home, I see da familiar shadows of my furnitures, my pets and myself. Oh! How much I love warm lightings! At last and finally regaining my equilibrium. The jet lag got to me this time as I tried very hard to upkeep my routine and stay hydrated.

Amyria pours her heart out @ 12:00 am   |

Thursday, July 06, 2006

missing B

I treat B like a friend of mine coz he is very friendly and very sociable.. he is very close with everyone.. But i can see tat whenever he is close with other female colleagues is just normal..

However, tis is not da case for me.. Whenever we walks together (he likes to walk beside me - i have no idea) to go for lunch, and sometimes we knocked off at da same time, he tends to be very close with me.. Very close in da sense tat when he stands very close to u, u can feel his body is touching urs..

I felt tat and I looked at him, he juz smiled.. Another occasion, when i wasnt noticing him, i think he wants to hold my hand coz when i turned to him and talk to him abt something, i saw he moved his hands away.. When i asked him wat was wrong, he juz said, "nothing" and he smiled at me and looked away.

He had escorted me to sch last week only twice b4 his reservist. I asked a few of my friends and these are 3 replies out of a a dozen?

Syafiq says:

I may not be surprise if there is kind of guy try to do the same thing towards the girl that he like. To my experience in my love life, i never did the same thing. hehe.. So anyways, maybe your friends and i have the same ideas of his actions, my advice, try to give it more times to judge before your jump any conclusions. You can be like you always do, act normal, time will tell where or when you should give some feedback towards his actions. As you know, he is a guy, if he is gentleman type, he would approach you first before you do. Obviously, tak elok lah kalau perempuan make the move first right? hehe... So, just keep it low, do wat you always do with him, relax... give him sometimes k. Y not u ask for close treatments, such as accompany you watch movies, hav a lunch sometimes out, or take awalk at the park after work or maybe, go out for window or shopping or spending a good time with him... That would spice up things up, but keep bare in mind, just be patients. Y not, try to bring him to the places that he love to go or spend a relax time... hehe... he escort u ey? well, i hav nothing more to say abt it, i think u should know the clue is quite obvious. So, wat do want to do now? For me.. i think i prefer u just keep it as usual, if he got guts, he will tell u the truth some day.... :D Thats all i can say now, you as a girl, just cool off yea?

Suresh says:

Well i guess perhaps he likes ya..probably in a few days time he might open up to u.....then see if u like him then why not...dun rush into it..take ur time..

Alice says:

Hi Maria,

I guess probably he is..as wat ur frens said...If a guy takes effort to escort u in order to get to know u better, that can be a good news for u! But just beware, u never noe, some guys, u noe they want to date u but we as girls won't know wat he exactly wants behind there or whether is a serious one or not...I mean nowadays relationships without commitment are very normal but then as u go deep further, u won't find that fair enough for you and it can hurt u a lot...

Just take things slow..give him time to know u and time for u to know him..it's very important..Relationship that develops too fast may not be a good thing if things dun go well later of the day...

A broken rship is unforgetable and will leave a permanent scar..probably will take years and years to heal, some not healing at all...

So dun let urself get this coz you'll find it hard to accept another if he's not as great as ur ex..or not as great as you want him to be..

Take care and all the very best!


Anyone out there who has something to say or advice.. Please flood my comment box.. I am more than juz elated to read ur advice.. :) He is now in reservist.. On 30 June, he left a few sms to me.. "If u miss me, u can ask me out for a date on sat or sun.." He even sms me in chinese characters and I get my chinese teacher to translate for me >> one day didnt c tat person seems separated for 3 autumns (years). My chinese teacher told me tat da phrase is suitable when sumone is missing sumone.. Phew! Lucky, she didnt suspect anything..

Sumhow, i kept thinking, does he really miss me? Or do i really miss him ?

Amyria pours her heart out @ 11:45 pm   |

The Lady

Amy Maria, 27 year old femme, who loves singing as her passion. Relatively a quiet person, especially towards people she doesn't know very well. However, people who she call her friends, know her as a very cheerful, friendly and a little talkative kinda person. Basically, she thinks everybody can reach nearly every goal, just need a great portion of staying power, motivation, and enthusiasm. She also believes that she's patient and relatively calm - in the past, even so, sometimes she still can be very quick-tempered. On the contrary, most of the time she loves to accept challenges. She has purity and sweetness of a girl. And no matter how old she get, she can stay youthful. She also possesses a motherly character. She is kind and can show consideration to others. Once she starts on something, she will not give up half way, or show weakness. She knows how to get on in life. She is rather suspicious type of person. She doesn't tend to take every word of other person straightly.

Check her out at:

Her Reflections

Parti Sutra , Hasniza's Wedding, Asian Idol Celebration, 30 Dec 2007 At Jurong Point, Aliff Aziz at Bukit Panjang Plaza, LIVE THE DREAM Jurong Point Roadshow, Thank You Roadshow, Anugerah 2007 FINALISTS Roadshow, Splash of Colours Family Day, Me and Dira @ Vivo City, Keep The Heritage Alive, 25 Feb 2007, Hady's 2007 Birthday Bash, Hady @ VivoCity, HapyHadys Gathering, Roadshow @ Jurong Pt , Selamat Pengantin Baru, Po Yee's Birthday, BSB Concert, SCDF Heritage Gallery, WESSC Camp 2005, Anugerah 2005 VCD Launch, Lime Sonic Bang, Konsert Hanyut, Bazar Raya Utara, Rosliah's Wedding, Mike's Farewell,

Her History

|June 2004| |July 2004| |August 2004| |September 2004| |October 2004| |November 2004| |December 2004| |January 2005| |February 2005| |March 2005| |April 2005| |May 2005| |June 2005| |July 2005| |August 2005| |September 2005| |October 2005| |November 2005| |December 2005| |January 2006| |February 2006| |March 2006| |April 2006| |May 2006| |June 2006| |July 2006| |August 2006| |September 2006| |October 2006| |November 2006| |December 2006| |January 2007| |February 2007| |March 2007| |April 2007| |May 2007| |June 2007| |July 2007| |August 2007| |September 2007| |October 2007| |November 2007| |December 2007| |January 2008| |February 2008| |March 2008| |April 2008| |May 2008| |June 2008| |July 2008| |August 2008| |September 2008| |October 2008| |November 2008| |December 2008| |January 2009| |February 2009| |March 2009| |April 2009| |May 2009| |June 2009| |July 2009| |August 2009| |September 2009| |October 2009| |November 2009| |December 2009| |January 2010| |February 2010| |April 2010| |May 2010| |June 2010| |July 2010| |August 2010| |September 2010| |October 2010| |November 2010| |December 2010| |January 2011| |February 2011| |March 2011| |April 2011| |May 2011| Current Posts

Her Cliques

Aiser. Alice. Aphrodite . Ayu. Az Revalina. Baby Seniorita. Elia's old Blog. Elia's new Blog. Fairuz . Farah. Fat Cat. Fikq HapyHady. Ijah. Kak Juliza. Maria Shazwani. Melissa. Melia HapyHady. Mulyadi. Nulyz. Ria HapyHady. Rizar. Sabrina . Salmah. Shidah. Shirin Hushairi. SV HapyHady . Syafiqah HapyHady . Syaliza. Syasya . Syidah's OLD blog. Syidah's NEW blog. Tia. Wawan. Zohra HapyHady.

Her Singerz


Her Favourites


Her Music