Thursday, September 29, 2005
The results of ANUGERAH 2005 were satisfactory. I think those 4 did a relatively ok job i think. My Top 3 winners weren't what I expected & predicted. My Top 3 winners were 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
Congratulations to the champion of ANUGERAH 2005 - who won a total of S$12,000 cash & prizes - MOHD KHAIRUL ANUAR BIN MOHD NAWAR
Really didn't expect him to be the 'JUARA' (winner). But I do wanna express this:
Khairul Anuar's performance tonight was superb! Yeah, he received the highest SMS votes - Syed Azmir lost out by just a 100 - and Khairul Anuar also won the judges by that splendid performance of Hazami's song (which I had forgotten the title). All 5 judges were thrilled & elated with his last performance. Yup, last performance.
ALL 4 FINALISTS of ANUGERAH 2005 have to sing FOUR songs, each from 4 categories.
first category
Malay song as a group.
All 4 finalists sang "Pop Ye Ye" by VE as a group BUT marks were awarded based on each individual finalist's vocal, performance and pitching qualities from the judges.
second category
Duet with past years' winners of ANUGERAH.
All 4 finalists were given a partner handpicked by the judges (I think-that's what I heard). Syed Azmir duet with ANUGERAH 2003 runner up, Fuad Rahman.. KHAIRIL, 02, my favourite of them all duet with Anugerah 2001 runner up, Iskandar Ismail, son of the veteran singer, R.Ismail. Khairul Anuar, contestant 03 - whose supporters are not as many as Azmir's - duet with last year's Anugerah winner, Aqmal. They sang "Berhenti Berharap" by Sheila On 7. Khairul Anuar boosts up his confidence level while singingg that song becoz according to the judges and in my personal opinion that song is a difficult song. I agreed with one of the judges expressing that at the start of the song, Khairul didn't sing well but he picked himself up at the chorus line. Fauzie Laily 04. He duet with Anugerah 2003's winner Eka Mairina. (Fauzie was eliminated at the Quarter-Finals of Anugerah 2003. He has improved! Well done!) Both of them sang "Jika Kau Tiada" by Yusry and Erra Fazira, a fast song which was also difficult becoz Fauzie has to dance to the song too.
third category
English song as a group.
Seriously speaking, I do not really like this category. Although I frequently listening to English song compared to malay songs, I still felt this category unsatisfied. I know it's great to have all the four finalists sang an English song, but they sang it as a group. What I was expecting was, all the four finalists sang English song as a SOLO contestant, just like the contestants from Project Superstar.
So all the four finalists sang the song by Maroon 5, She Will Be Loved as a group. I cannot helped but laughed at their performance. They slaughtered the song! I think they could probably have carried the songs by likes of Fool's Garden's Lemon Tree or R Kelly's I believe I can fly or even Firehouse-Love Of A Lifetime. Oh well, they chose an inappropriate group english song. They could not reach the high notes for She Will be Loved, hence slaughtering the song. Sorry, that's just my honest opinion.
I am not surprised knowing the results who was the champion for the nite. (Though I certainly am amazed at how his voice sounds like a girl when he talks but macho enuff to sound like a guy during his singing) Khairul's did relatively better than most of them for the song She Will Be Loved and his last performance of Hazami's song which I still try to figure out the title!
Fauzie was alrite as well. Although 02(Mohd Khairil) is my favourite, I have to say that he was certainly struggling to sing an english song on She Will Be Loved. His diction is too telo' melayu!Sorry to all Khairil's fan, (I'm his fan as well) that's juz my opinion. But he really cant sing English song. From his diction, I can tell.
Even my mum agreed with me. She said, 03 and 04 sang pretty well for She Will Be Loved. For Syed Azmir, his element of music is R n B and not a pop song from a boyband like Maroon 5's She Will Be Loved. Hey, the judges praised Khairul Anuar's diction, vocal and performance for that english song! So, my guess was this, "He's gonna be Top 3, replacing the other Khai."
fourth category
Solo performance-a song from their choice
And as usual, the real competition begins when the 4 finalists are back singing solo. All 5 judges were thrilled & elated with Khairul Anuar's solo performance of that Hazami's song.
There u go, my review of this year's Anugerah finals. The runner up went to Hot Favourite: Syed Azmir, third place position: Fauzie Laily and of course the fourth place: KHAIRIL, my favourite among all.
Whether they got 2nd, 3rd, 1st or 4th..they are already in the FINALS beating over 800 contestants who went to IMM since June for auditions. They are Fantastic! Kudos! Lastly, winning and losing is part and parcels of every competition. That's always next year.
Good night Singapore!
Monday, September 26, 2005
From A Malay newspaper.. dun worry, I will translate some of it.. Translate: Come on, lets get to know four finalists dudes of Anugerah 2005. (I called them: The FANTASTIC FOUR of ANUGERAH 2005!) Kemenangan itulah yang membuka laluan Syed Azmir untuk meneruskan minatnya dalam Minat Khairul pada idolanya, Siti Nurhaliza bermula daripada hari pertama diva jelita And for the finals, the finalists and their code number. Syed Azmir 01, KHAIRIL 02 (again?! He was contestant 02 for the third time alrdy!), Khairul 03, Fauzie 04. My favourite: 02.. Vote Him ok?! This pic is so c
Jom...berkenalan dengan empat jejaka finalis ANUGERAH 2005. (Aku mengelarkan mereka: THE FANTASTIC FOUR OF ANUGERAH 2005)
Kalau anda pernah menyamakan finalis Anugerah 2005, Syed Azmir, dengan Taufik
Batisah, anda sebenarnya memang melihat 'kembar' juara Singapore Idol itu.
(If u did any comparison between Syed Azmir & Taufik Batisah, u are actually seeing the "twin"
of Singapore Idol) Bukan kembar darah, tetapi gaya dan pencapaian. (Not twin brothers
but performance and achievements)
Seperti Taufik, jejaja NS berusia 21 tahun itu tidak saja mengagumi penyanyi R&B
Amerika Syarikat, Usher, bahkan pernah mewakili Singapura dan muncul sebagai juara
dalam pertandingan menyanyi seperti Usher di Los Angeles pada Ogos 2004.
(Like Taufik, the NS personnel who is only 21 years old does not only admire R&B singer
from United States, Usher, moreover he represented Singapore and emerged as the
Champion in "Sing & Dance like Usher" competition in Los Angeles in August 2004.)
I feel that comparisons between Syed Azmir and Taufik Batisah are completely unjustified; while both are clearly RnB protagonists, they have different vocal tones/textures and dissimilar performing styles.
bidang nyanyian selepas bertahun-tahun memendamkannya semata-mata kerana mengejar
satu lagi bidang yang diceburinya secara professional - bola sepak.
( to decode this? Ok.. That winning has open doors to Syed Azmir for him to pursue singing after many years of holding on to his singing dreams due to a budding career he is
now in professionally - soccer)
//I skipped a few paragraphs.. Too long.. Heh.. But I was a bit shocked to read the
Berita Minggu. Syed Azmir was once Under 16 soccer player and then signed his first
professional contract with Sembawang Rangers in 2002? I watched soccer too but I cant
remember seeing him play.. Hmm //
"Sebenarnya saya tunggu Singapore Idol musim kedua, tetapi tunggu punya tunggu,
Anugerah 2005 muncul dulu. Mak saya yang suruh saya masuk," ujarnya.
(Syed Azmir said, "Actually, I am waiting for the second season of Singapore Idol, but I waited
and waited, Anugerah 2005 came first. My mum asked me to join.") In Manja magazine,
he stated that he prefers to sing English songs.
//I skipped all the paragraphs and will go on to the next fantastic four......KHAIRIL MOHD YUSOF - my "cousin". Hehe.. Hey, I have a cousin whose father's name is also Mohd Yusof, so KHAIRIL is her long lost elder 'brother'.. LoL //
Kalau menyanyi, bukan main merdu dan lantang suara Khairil sampai setiap minggu,
peminatnya semakin bertambah - sehingga undi untuknya melambung tinggi setiap
pusingan sampailah beliau berjaya melangkah ke peringkat akhir ANUGERAH 2005.
(When he sings, his voice is very melodious until every week, his fan base increased - his
SMS votes shoots up high every round and that makes him to the finals of ANUGERAH
Tetapi apabila diajak berbual dengan wartawan, suara Khairil, 22 tahun, macam orang
berbisik. Sepatah ditanya, sepatah jawapannya.
(But when asked to speak to the reporters, Khairil's voice, 22 is like a person whispering. Asked one sentence, he will answer one sentence.)
"Saya ni, membosankan," akui Khairil apabila ditanya mengenai perwatakan sebenarnya.
("I am actually a boring person," Khairil admitted when asked about his real
Huh? Memang jauh berbeza daripada penampilan di TV.. yang seperti "macho" pandai menggoda. Bahaya, tau!
(Huh? Boring? What a big difference from his apperance on a macho guy, who is good at 'sweet talks'. Dangerous, u knw!) That kind of looks, dangerous? I dun think so.. *tongue lashing*
Again I skipped a few paragraphs.. Hehe..
"Saya benar-benar nak jadi penyanyi berjaya. Tetapi saya risau dengan cakap-cakap
saya masuk final semata-mata kerana undi," ujar Khairil yang berkerja di sebuah
syarikat Aerospace. Beliau mempunyai sijil dalam pengajian aerospace dari Institut
Pengajian Teknikal.
("I really want to be a sucessful singer. But I am worried with rumours saying that I
managed to be in the FINALS due to votes," KHAIRIL exclaimed. Khairil is currently
working in an Aerospace company. He was once an ITE Aerospace engineering graduate.) Hmm, wow! A guy with the good voice, good occupation.. I like.. LoL!
Satu hakikat yang beliau harus berani terima memandangkan beliau tetap mendapat undi
tertinggi biarpun persembahannya dalam peringkat separuh akhir ketika membawa lagu
Mengapa Harus Cinta oleh Vince, dianggap juri sebagai kurang mantap. Tetapi
tanpa bakat, takkan KHAIRIL boleh mengalahkan lebih 800 peserta lain yang mengharungi
uji bakat di IMM pada Julai lalu? Ye tak?
(Err, again.. how to decipher the above? *thinking*)
Khairul Anuar Mohd Nawar - THE HAT GUY
He has high pitched voice which he needs to expand his range.
itu berlatih dalam peringkat awal Bintang HMI anjuran RTM dalam 1995.
(Khairul adores his idol, Siti Nurhaliza since the gorgeous diva appeared in the early rounds of
Bintang HMI RTM in 1995) Huh? He likes Siti Nurhaliza too? Oh god!
Khairul perserta yang dianggap unik kerana mempunyai suara halus apabila bercakap
tetapi boleh tahan gah vokalnya apabila menyanyi. (Khairul is a unique contestant because when he talks, his voice is as soft as a lady but when he sings, he has a man voice.)
skipped the next paragraph and go on to the next:
Berbanding dengan pesaingnya, Khairul agak bertuah kerana mendapat sokongan
Politeknik Singapura yang berkempen untuk mengundi pelajarnya sebagaimana mereka
menyokong Taufik dalam Singapore Idol. Khairul mengikut bidang Media dan Komunikasi
diploma di politeknik tersebut.
(I have difficulty in how to translate the first sentence. But for the second
sentence, it's just a snap of my fingers. Hehe.. Khairul is currently pursuing a
Diploma in Media and Communications from Singapore Polytechnic.) I thought, I heard
from sumone that he is a business student from that poly? Wateva..
Fauzie Laily tak marah, bahkan bukan main seronok digelar peserta berimej 'bad
boy'. Tetapi memang nakalkah si remaja berusia 20 tahun ini?
(Fauzie Laily did not really mind, in fact, he is happily glad to be called, a contestant with a 'bad
boy' image. But is the teenager whose age is 20, really a bad boy?)
"Ish, saya budak baik. Tak keluar malam. Suka duduk rumah. Tak percaya, tanya mak
bapa saya," seloroh pelajar Politeknik Temasek itu dengan sengih nakalnya.
("Ish, I am a good boy. Don't like to stay out at night. Prefers to be at home. If u
do not believe, ask my parents," said Fauzie, a student from Temasek Polytechnic
flashing his naughty grin)
Hey, he kinda have the same character as me. *GRINZ* I too dun like to stay out at night unless I was stuck/loss sumwhere or if I have night classes. I prefer to be at home too. *flashing my sweet smile*
Tetapi kalau cakap tentang imej aslinya, Fauzie begitu selamba mengakui beliau seorang yang selekeh.
(However, the conversation about his real image, Fauzie sheepishly admitted that he dress very shabbily' - wateva he feels comfortable, he will wear)
Banyak dugaan yang beliau tempuhi untuk mengharungi setiap peringkat Anugerah 2005
memandangkan pada masa sama, beliau menghadapi peperiksaan tahun akhir untuk Diploma
Internet Computing.
(Many challenges and outcomes Fauzie has to face for every rounds of Anugerah 2005.
because at the same time, he was having his final year examinations for Diploma in
Internet Computing)
Oh, he's a computer geek like me too. *Evil laugh* Cool.
I watched the ANUGERAH Preview show on Suriachannel just now. Aww..those 3 guys from the Fantastic Four totally make me.. dun say alrdy..
Enjoy this final pictures taken during IMM showcase with the finalist on Saturday 24 Sept. Did I go? Nope..I got those pictures from (Dun forget FAUZIE is in my friendster list. His fans went and in his friendster list as well so they sent him those pictures and he upload it up to his profile. Then I "steal" it .. hehe.. )
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Pusingan akhir Anugerah dipelopori oleh kaum Adam. Tahniah buat Mohd Fauzie Laily, Mohd Khairil M Yusof, Khairul Anwar serta Syed Azmir. Biarpun Suhana, Sharifa Shakila, Nur Azrin dan Irwan Md Said telah menunjukkan persembahan yang baik pada malam itu, kaum Adam yang I gelarkan sebagai Fantastic 4, telah menunjukkan taring masing-masing untuk mengukir sejarah peribadi untuk dinobatkan sebagai juara Anugerah bagi musim kali ini. Khairil miliki pakej lengkap?
Undian tertinggi SMS dimenangi oleh Khairil, tidak mengubah keputusan akhir setelah disatukan dengan markah juri professional kerana ia berpihak kepada Syed Azmir - yang memiliki markah tertinggi secara keseluruhan. Lagu-lagu yang dipersembahkan berdasarkan undian yang dijalankan sebelum pertandingan, dan dipilih oleh juri-juri professional itu sendiri. Kehadiran pelawak serba-boleh, Kumar, telah menyerikan acara pada malam itu.
Bagaimanapun, berbalik kepada para peserta yang bertanding, I amat terkejut juga dengan cara Khairul Anwar menyampaikan Menaruh Harapan, di peringkat separuh akhir. Cara penyampaian Khairul amat berbeza dari penyanyi asal iaitu: Zaiton Sameon.
Berlainan pula dengan Khairil M Yusof, yang cuba mempertaruhkan lagu Vince untuk menarik perhatian juri dan pengundi SMS. Suaranya seakan terkehel sedikit sewaktu menyampaikan lagu tersebut. Bagaimanapun, memandangkan Khairil memiliki pakej yang lengkap untuk dijadikan seorang idola, tidak hairanlah jika dia memiliki undian SMS tertinggi berbanding dengan tujuh peserta yang lain.
Persoalannya sekarang, siapakah yang layak menyandang gelaran juara bagi Anugerah musim kali ini? Agak sukar untuk membuat tafsiran setakat ini, kerana I masih sangsi dengan kehebatan "Fantastic 4" yang bakal berentap di peringkat final kelak. Sama ada mereka fantastic ataupun tidak, hanya akan dapat kita adili sewaktu pusingan akhir nanti.
Bagaimanapun, jika diukur dari segi kemantapan vokal dan "showmanship" yang dibuktikan setakat ini, Syed Azmir, Fauzie Laily dan KHAIRIL menjadi pilihanku, dan mereka bertiga bakal membuat penonton tidak senang duduk.
Setuju atau tidak, Azmir, KHAIRIL atau Fauzie bakal membawa pulang tiga tempat utama bagi juara Anugerah 2005 yang akan berlangsung Khamis ini, 29 September 2005. Kita tunggu dan lihat.
P/S: Amacam, bahasa melayu I alright tak? Ehehehe..
Ni asal lak? Fantastic Four bergambar dengan 'hantu'. Hantu apa tu? Hantu ANUGERAH ke?
Friday, September 23, 2005
and it features.... Top 12 of ANUGERAH Quarter-Finalist. But I only scanned those who "mara" to FINALS. Hehehe..
Khairul Anwar with the ladies, Shakila(eliminated during Semi-Finals) & Nurliza Dayana (eliminated during Quarter-Finals)
Fauzie Laily, Firuz (eliminated during Quarter-Finals) and of course my favourite contestant: KHAIRIL!!!
And of course, hot favourite:
& dratz Irwan was eliminated in the SEMI-FINALS!Anyway, watched TGIF today. FANTASTIC FOUR (the four finalist of ANUGERAH 2005) were been interviewed! I was like a monkey who cannot sit still!!! Haha.. They were juz too aww...
Khairil is the shortest of the four. Yes, I know. If u've watched TGIF, u shld have seen it for urself.
Hmm... I think I heard Adi Rahman asking both Fauzie and Khairil, "This is the second time u participated in Anugerah. How do u feel?"
I was like, "Huh?" Khairil once joined Anugerah? When? Wat year? How come I didnt know abt it? I knw for sure Fauzie did join Anugerah which was 2 years back and was a familiar face now but not Khairil..
Also, in TGIF.. Adi Rahman asked the four guys about last week's Sunday MEET THE FANS Session. He asked (in malay), "Waktu di IMM Ahad lalu, ada gadis minta nombor tak?"
Translate: "At IMM last Sunday, any gals ask for ur numbers?"
All the four guys nodded their heads and said, "ada" (yes definitely). ARGH!! Jealous seh aku!! Hmm, a friend of mine went (remember the 21st Sept entry?) She emailed me 2 photos and I am not sure if she was bold enuff to ask for the guys' numbers? Hmm...
Anyway, read up in Manja about each & every of the Top 12 contestants.. I wanna "kill" a member of WESSC! He said, Syed Azmir is 19 years old. I found out that he is 21!! 1 year younger than me! Hmm..can lah..still can "tackle" hehhe..
Fauzie & Khairul, they are the same age. Those of u who are in Fauzie's friends list in friendster, u shld knw Fauzie's age, I am not going to rewrite it here.
And finally.. KHAIRIL!!! ARGH!!! He is same age as me!!! Yes!! Aku ada chance lah ni.. hehehehe.. *Dream on, Maria*
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
It's amusing to know that Anugerah 2005 is dominated by MEN. Haha. It's satirical in a comical way, if you ask me.. But I have to admit this year the guys are really good. I think Syed Azmir is the best! Groovy man. Muhd Khairil also not bad. (My very fav contestant!). Fauzie has stage presence. Khairul Anwar..hmm no comments about him. Hehe.. Didnt expect him to be in the FINALS. What I admire about them is that they can move away from their circle of comfort, which by the way means that they can sing songs from different genres as well, not just frm one genre. Anyway, One of the semi-finalist wrote in her blog on Sept 20 2005: "One among the four who is out of Anugerah semi finals. Well, itz a tough competition last nite i should say. But i did my best though. I tried to be different wen i sang a fast song last nite n judges tink i did well. So itz obvious dat i lost on the voting system. At some parts i dun think female contestants r treated fairly by d audience. Most r rooting for CUTE HANDSOME guys n vote. But i cant blame them. Each have their own opinion. Datz juz wat i tink. Watever it is, i noe i did better than one of them who managed to b in d finals. But he really have lotz of votes. dam lotz! hahaha... so itz too bad for me! watever it is, i still wish them d best for d finals. All have their own speciality. :)" "Thank u to all who voted for me n give me ur full support either by msging me here in frenster or wen u c me outside... i really really appreciate it sooooooooooooo much! Thank u! :)" Btw, tis Saturday (24th Sept) ALL THE FOUR FINALIST will be at IMM Level 3 for another up close and personal session with the fans. I really wanna go BUT I am now contemplating my decision. Coz Saturdays are always a busy day for me. :( If I decided to go, any kind soul or any of u guys (my friends) kind enuff to borrow me ur digital camera? Hehehe.. Oh, on Sunday last week (18 Sept), there was a meet the fan session with the 8 semi-finalists at IMM Level 3 too. My friend (who wasnt close to me) went and she sent/emailed me only those photos which I want. Ehehe.. Here are the photos: My friend was asking for Fauzie Laily's autograph and at the same time, she snapped that photo! Cool! KHAIRIL!! But the photo was too far lah. She did take a photo with him! But I didnt want that photo. Y? Hey, gals..they get jealous easily dont they? So, I dun want tat photo. Juz take the above photo. Ehehe.. enjoy the pics!
(I knw, she muz b referring to.... Khairil. He had the most votes tat day! Moreover, she & Khairil were da last two contestants who got called out and ONLY one will get into the finals She muz b referring to him of course, who else? Sigh.. Its good that she didnt blame the female audience.. hey, it’s quite typical of us gals rooting for cute, hunky guys, isnt it?)
I would have said & experience the same thing too if I were to be a contestant in any singing competition. Female audiences will screaming & shouting for the guys. So, I understand how she feels.
(So, can guess whose blog does the above belongs to? I mean which female semi-finalists' blog?I’ll give a clue)
CLUE: Her father is a Singapore veteran actor. He acted in a lot of dramas. He became widely known when he acted in GELORA back in 1998 to 2000 (Suriachannel’s very FIRST soap drama. He played the character of Dr Hilal’s father. *winkz*). There u go, given u that clue. Now, do u knw whose blog da above belongs to? The father thingie was da second clue. The first clue was given to u alrdy in one of the above paragraphs. I am not going to repeat. Read it urself! After reading it, u dun have to guess anymore. The ans is obvious. U knw which female semi-finalist I am referring to. Juz by looking at her face, she has the looks of her actor father. Surprisingly, she happens to be my ex-junior frm CLEMENTI TOWN PRIMARY. She is 2 years younger than me. There u go again. More clues given to u. No more guessing. The ans is obvious.
Monday, September 19, 2005
From 8 semi-finalists, down to 4!!! I had expected it! 4 of the finalists will definitely be guys.
75% of my prediction is right! I voted for KHAIRIL (he got da most votes & hehe.. I voted for him like 20 to 25 times? I cant remember, u expect me to count?!), IRWAN, SYED AZMIR (dah tentu) & not forgetting, FAUZIE (he's in my friendster list. No joke! Check his profile.)
However, Irwan DIDNT MAKE IT TO THE FINALS!!M How come?! Argh!! Instead, it was Khairul Anwar, that Business Student from Singapore Poly.
Oh, I do vote for Irwan, Syed Azmir & Fauzie too ok? For this week's theme, all the semi-finalists have to sing a song NOT OF their CHOICE!
Ouch! That sounds tough! Khairil didnt sing that well. But hey, he has many supporters, and they vote for him. Guess what? He had the highest vote! 3000plus!! WOW! But that votes is only 50% of the marks, da other 50% will be the judges.
Still, Khairil IS IN THE FINALS!!! Woo-hoo! Yahoo! After combining the tabulated scores from SMSes and judges' marks, Khairil was 3rd ( i think). Phew!
I have no idea y Irwan didnt make it!! He was OK. He is the Singapore Malay version of Bo Bice! Singapore Malay version of Usher(Syed Azmir lah siapa lagi) makes it. Y not him?! Not many votes perhaps?
Once again, the 4 final contestants for PERINGKAT AKHIR ANUGERAH 2005 are:
MY FAV CONTESTANT: KHAIRIL (sshh..dun tell him)
And of course, Khairul Anwar, which I didnt save his picture (hehe).
ALL the BEST to ALL of them!
Sunday, September 18, 2005
well, thanks for the sweet phrases written for my testimonials...well, i didn't know much about this gal but she is kind and sweet and innocent...heheh..heheh...kinda of that gal next door whom u would actually want to date she is also very quiet and i kinda like her cos we share the same attitute...didin't know that she knows me that much and i didn't know that i have a lot of admirers..which she knew...that's a bit scary huh....anyawy...U take care gal and live life to the fullest....!!!
From: Rafidah aka Fifi, my ex-junior frm JTSS.
Amyria is.............
she is .........
and ............
she is also .............
transfer $500 to my account and I fill in the blanks.
From: Mahathir aka Mamartz, my ex-senior frm JTSS. Its kinda weird. In sch, I didnt speak to him but after I had graduated, I tend to 'speak' to past students via MSN. *shrugs*
Oh, I didnt really transfer the $500. Hah! He copied this testimonial frm sumwhere.
Don't let those vicious words belittle u, even a centimetre. People can say what they want but remember this U r here not to please the world but URSELF!!! Anw, just treat it as a compliment when they bitch about you coz they simply got really nuthin betta do do n they ENVY u in ever possible way...
From: Falalala, my ex-schmate frm CTPS.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
NEWS HEADLINE: Britney Spears has helped husband Kevin Federline multiply and replenish the earth. Again.
The "...Baby One More Time" singer gave birth to ababy boy Wednesday afternoon in Los Angeles. The child is Spears' first, Federline's third. He has two young children from his previous relationship with actress Shar Jackson.
According to U.K.'s Sky News, Spears was considering naming her and Federline's child London, after the British capital, where their romance blossomed. US Weekly's sources had the singer set on Preston Michael Spears Federline. Spears' publicist had no official confirmation.
23-year-old Spears recently told Elle that sheconsidered pregnancy "mind-blowing" and "therapeutic--all the secrets from your family comeout of the closet."
One aspect of the life cycle Spears was not looking forward to was the business of labor. Saying she didn't "want to go through pain," the pop star told the magazine, "I have a feeling I'm going to have anoperation [a Caesarian section]. I don't know why, butI hope so."
Per reports, Spears' dream came true. The entertainer, accompanied by Federline, checked into an L.A. hospital about 6 a.m. to undergo a C-section.
Throughout Wednesday, the tabloids and glossies jostled with each other over the baby story--treating the birth like hard-news outlets treat election night, with each seeking to be the first to call it.
The National Enquirer was first out of the gate atabout 9 a.m., with news of Spears begin admitted to the hospital for a C-section. Life & Style followed with a press release outlining alleged complications.Us trumped everyone with a press release announcingthe birth; the magazine sent out the alert at 1:30p.m.--just a half-hour after Baby Spears made his debut.
Spears and Federline, a 27-year-old former backup dancer, wed last year, only months removed fromSpears' 55-hour marriage to childhood friend JasonAllen Alexander and the birth of Federline's second child with Jackson.
In the wake of her marriage, Spears, a media magnet since the age of 17, split with her longtime manager,declared her intention "to just chill" and put downroots in a $6.9 million Malibu mansion, and she talked about her desire to start a family.
Spears and Federline confirmed the "wonderful news" of their pregnancy in April. Days later, the duo launchedanother joint production: Britney & Kevin: Chaotic, their little-watched UPN reality series. The arrival of Spears' baby nearly coincides withThursday's launch of Spears' new fragrance. In a noteto fans, the singer described Fantasy Britney Spearsas a "completely magical" blend of "enchanting scents and flavors," with "a hint of cupcakes."
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Again, this is not an email I sent to someone.
To Bob,
I am a jinx. Have to say this in malay, "Belum aku pegang digital camera tu, belum ianya terjadi begini!" I am such a jinx. However, I wasnt to b blamed, I was told. "Entirely not ur fault."
What happened? Well, as u know, Seri cant wait for Ros to come back frm the groom's place as she had to attend another friend's engagement. Her digital cam, she passed to me to take Rosliah's pic coz I told her of my promise to u.
After her friend's engagement, she went to some other places & will be back way at night. So, her digital camera was still with me overnight.
Only on Monday, I passed the digital camera to Masshitah, Seri's niece. Before I passed her digital camera, I tried to insert the memory card into my laptop so that Seri wont have to do it.
Apparently I have no idea y my stupid pathetic laptop cannot read the memory card!! All laptops can sense it is a memory card y cant mine! I was pissed by that.
Only on Thursday (8th Sept), I received an sms frm her saying that she had a BIG PROBLEM, the memory card cant be inserted into the laptop and the laptop cannot read frm the memory card!!! ARGH!!!
When she msg me that, I said, "I felt guilty abt it." "Totally not ur fault." I insisted it was mine, "But if u didnt pass the digi cam to me, this wldnt happen." "I am not blaming u. Benda tu dah nak rosak. *smilez*."
But still, I felt guilty. I felt that I am a JINXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, u muz b wondering 'no pictures of Rosliah?' Dun worrry. Still have one more life-saver! I hope her digital camera is working fine!! She will send by this Sunday coz she was kinda lazy to switch on her laptop as she did most of her school assignment frm her PC.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
//This is not an email, just a diary entry which sounds like I'm writing to someone however it isn't.// Yours truly,
Dear Bob,
Sunday, 4th September marked Rosliah's BIG day - Her Wedding. Sorry to tell u this, I was late. The moment I arrived there, she had left to the groom's place at somewhere in Ubi.
Darn! I was ONLY LATE by a few minutes!! She left at 2.20pm and we (me, Seri, Faridah & Sec 4 Express gals - our ex-juniors NOT frm our batch) reached there at 2.30pm!!
But I find it queer. Usually its the groom leaving his place to the bride's but it was the other way round for Ros' case.
Anyway, please do not ask me why I went there late. As you know, we are Muslims. We must NOT forget to pray. So, I have to perform my prayers first & besides, I wasn't having my menstruation. *winkz*
Secondly, it was raining! Argh! Fret not, my friend. Nope. I don't forget the promise I made to u; to take some photos of Rosliah. I still remember that promise.
A few weeks before her wedding, my camera on my Motorola handphone gives problem! It wasn't FUNCTIONING! I was pissed! Why? I have no other camera. Pathetic? I don't think so. Technology has advanced now. They do not use cameras anymore. They use camera phones & digital cameras! I do not have a digital camera. Don't think of getting one. Reason: It's of no use to me!
Lucky, Rosliah invites Seri too. Seri brought her mum's digital camera. So did one of our ex-juniors. They're life savers! Also, some of our batch came too (those Express students, well..only 3 of them - well Ros was once a prefect remember, so she invites her prefect mates)
Like I had already mentioned, we were slightly late. We cannot meet Rosliah to witness how beautiful she look on her wedding dress. However, she did come back at around 5.25pm with her groom and yup, u should know what I did. Took some photos straightaway.
U should have guessed it correctly. I, I mean we waited for almost 3 hours for the beautiful bride - except Seri who has to attend a friend's engagement - & her digital camera, she passed to me to take them. Furthermore Bob, I was feeling under the weather since Friday but still, I was tenacious (if u do not know what is 'tenacious', well it was just another word for 'determined') *grinz*. I will wait for the bride, to take the pictures not only for me but for u. This I promise u.
Bob, she looked absolutely gorgeous in green! I had guessed earlier that the bride & groom will be in green because he bride's mum & dad were wearing green.
But I have to apologize to u because u have to wait longer for the photos. Like I'd mentioned, those photos were taken using NOT MY digital camera but Seri's & our ex-junior's. They are not 100% free from anything. They are working & schooling, busy everyday. I cannot kept on pushing them to upload those pictures & emailed me JUST FOR MY blog???
So, Bob.. I hope u will understand. I would like to tell you something.
We should give green packets during this joyous occasion. How could my mum tell me to give $4?! Hello... Who does she think Rosliah is? And what does she want others to think of me if I were to give that amount?
Rosliah is my friend. My friend since the year 1996. 9 years of friendship. How could I give only $4?! I am not like my mum who is very cheapskate! She always gives $4 during weddings. She did not care if it was a relative's wedding or a friend's daughter's/son's wedding. $4 is the amount she poured in.
I argued with her. I told her, "A volunteer of WESSC got engaged & I went. Remember last year? I do not know her well & so does she. Remember how much u ask me to give? $5! because u said that I do not know her well & it was just an engagement. And now u are telling me to give $4 to a friend whom I have known for 9 long years on her wedding day??? This isn't fair!"
NO WAY am I gonna put $4 in that pink packet. Huh? Yup, pink. Well, Rosliah loves pink (besides her wedding invitation card was pink too) and I could not find any green packet so I have to settle with the pink one. Guess how much I gave her, Bob? Definitely more than $4 & $5! The amount is secret. *smilez*
Oh yeah I also told my mum about Firdaus had gotten married in June. My mum knows his mum coz they were once colleagues. My mum was shocked to hear the news! She said, "Kencang, pendiam gitu dah kahwin?"
Huh? Bob did u read that? My mum said 'pendiam' (quiet/shy)? Firdaus a quiet & shy boy? LoL. He was one of the noisiest who likes to get onto my nerves almost every day during school days till Sec 4. Phew! Lucky he did not wish to have his O levels, if not...
I have to end here, my friend. Hope u are taking good care of yourself in other people's land.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
While I was on my way to work, guess who I saw? My Mr Policeman friend. U should have known who by now coz he's the only one who is in the SPF....
He was on off day that day. We chit chat for about 5 minutes and asking how was everyone. He wished to have a gathering for us. But he will need everyone of us to be FREE.
On the same Monday night, as usual I watched ANUGERAH at WESSC. I know it was noisy but just endure it anyway. contestant 01 wasn't performing that well. Contestant 02.. HOT FAVOURITE Among the Girls including me hehe. After contestant 04's performance, we were shown the SMS votes for the first 3 contestants! How could that be! How could Contestant 02 be the lowest!! NO WAY is he gonna be out coz he sang Mungkin by Anuar Zain & he can sing the high note very well!
U shld have guessed it. I wasn't paying attention to the others & the show. At 9pm, WESSC's closing time, I rushed back home with my hands still with the sms to vote for contestant 02! I came back just in time for the clip video, special guest performance & results!!
Thanks to my SMS votes (I think) among all the 6 contestants, Contestant 02 had the highest SMS votes. So did he make it to the next round since the judges also have another 50% of the overall score?
Judges, they did their job well. CONTESTANT 02 MADE IT TO THE NEXT ROUND!! SO WAS CONTESTANT 06! That wasn't all. The overall results was even displayed to us, the viewers and combined score of 50% SMS votes and 50% from the judges showed that the highest was CONTESTANT 02!! HE HAS THE HIGHEST SCORE followed by contestant 06.
Next week will be another battle of competition by another group. Group name is Waduh.. 2 of my favourite contestants are from that group. Very most favourite is.... hmm... thats for me to know and for u to find out.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
One is frm Sembahwang Secondary, da other frm Ahmad Ibrahim Primary & da other one is...
If u bought da STRAITS TIMES 2day, turn to page H9 n u will b able to c Mdm Noorismawaty wif a few student councillors frm Jin Tai.
Hooray!!! Gd for her.. Since she's malay... her story also published in BERITA HARIAN.. which i have no idea wat page.. i seldom read malay newspaper..
I msg to all da Jin Taians whom i kept in touch wif esp Nazrul, Suresh, Faridah & Rosliah. Rosliah mentioned, she knws abt it coz its in BERITA HARIAN. Nazrul replied back: Aww.. tats so cool. Suresh, i think bz..didnt reply n Faridah..i think she mentioned "Woaah.. Beznye...!!! "
Tmr is sumone's BIG day!!! Cant wait for tat! Hope's Seri's bringing her digital camera coz i have no idea y my Hp, da camera function isnt working! Besides, I have promise Bob to do something for him..
Speaking of Bob, received his email two weeks ago.. For ur info, he's in NZ..
hey hi, got ur mail and sms abt ros big day. N anyway thanx for ur kat sini ok ok je. now pon tengah sakit2. coz of the cuaca sini..tak biasa lah firdaus mansa nye sanding u pergi tak.tak salah its in june... well most of our fren semua dah kawin...ade dah tunang.. hmm awak bile lagi... oklah gtg sorry for the short mail... best regards
I replied:
Firdaus Mansa kahwin in June? Tak..pegi...dia tak jemput.. Org tak jemput buat pe mau pergi buat malu je kan.. kau kat sana sakit? Makan ubat la.. hehehe...
Anyway, got any pics u take in NZ.. biasalah.. i have neva been to any countries besides Singapore, Johor and Pulau Karimun Indonesia.. nak tgk scenery in NZ..Anyway, which part of NZ r u now? Christchurch? Auckland?
Betul.. Firdaus Mansa, Siti Zackyah and now Ros. Oh u still remember ur classmate: Siti Farhana? I heard frm Seri, she's getting married in Dec. Another one of us getting married... U're asking me bila nak tunang/kahwin? Wahahaha.. if i were to say tis, SEMUA LELAKI LARI NYE: I dun knw how to cook..
Jgn tanya org..kau lak bila? Jgn kahwin dgn pompuan mat salleh frm NZ sudah ah!! Hahaha
Oops..i think i drank lots of coffee tats y i am feeling crappy.. ehehe..
Sweetest Regards
Amy Maria *winkz*
Den, I msg Rosliah, Seri n Faridah telling them tat si Firdaus Mansa (have to write his full name coz they r A LOT OF FIRDAUS in Jin Tai) n tell broke them of da news:
ME: Wanna knw sumthing? Aku dgr frm Bob yg si Firdaus Mansa tu dah kahwin.. Semua kawan kita dah kahwin... *sigh*
Rosliah: Baru last year aku nampak dia dgn baju Civil Defence..tup tup dah kahwin...
Faridah: Iye dia dah kawin? awak jgn risau..awak ada ramai suitors...
ME: Aku? Wahaha.. aku sdg ketawa terbahak-bahak skrg.. LoL..
Seri: Eh..dia dah kawin.. ah ah.. jodoh kita entah ke mana eh...
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Ever since I moved to Technical Service dept, I test JAVA GAMES.. I knw no big deal as i did tat b4 at Sales & Marketing dept BUT tat was to download n play if it works coz cust said otherwise. In Technical dept, I test Java Games WITHOUT downloading. Very hectic u knw! Have to change SIM card to different phones! I have to fig out da navigation of sum phones.. Me expert alrdy.. all i knw EXCEPT SIEMENS & Panasonic phones.. me still not familiar.. Samsung, OK OK.. Sony Ericsson K700i also OK Ok.. NOKIA? Expert alrdy la! Hehe.. So since they put me charged of testing java games on different handphones, I tend to get BORED so... I took photos of myself!!! WAHAHAHA.. using company's SIM card n different handphones: Samsung, Nokia & Motorola.. n send via MMS to my email... Tak bersalah kan... Enjoy da pics... *winkz*
Look at my new desk decoration!!
This was my desk back then at Sales & Marketing
So, which one is nice?
asal nie muka sedih?
I wasnt in da pic... Really..
To Alfred's mum, Angeline.. she passed away on Saturday evening after battling with breast cancer.
Since she was a volunteer before & often accompanied her 2 sons to any outdoor activities, we da volunteers as well as da members chipped in $5 & $2 respectively..
May she rest in peace..
Lets countdown...
In 3, 2, 1..
Selamat Hari Jadi...
Wait.. apa lak birthday song.. dia kan nak kahwin..Nyanyi lah lagu kahwin..
Ok, lets do tis again: