


my story. my words. my life. my prerogative

Thursday, June 30, 2005

I knw HOW I AM GOING 2PLAN FOR MY FUTURE and tat is to have a degree qualification. Hey, only degree NOT Masters! or PHD - "Permanent Head Damage" (",) so y she worry? I have make a promise 2myself (my family didnt knw). So once i made tat promise, i do not wanna break it. Wat happened? Same usual thing. Grandmother problem. She is old so she just dun understand youngsters life esp EDUCATIONAL life - how impt is 2have a GD Education.

Wanna knw wat promise I made 2myself? I shall share if wif u here.. Nadiah's cousin. Err..ok let me say it dis way: Nadiah is my close cousin coz our mums r sisters. So, my aunt called my grandma tat time 2tell her tat Nadiah's cousin on her father side is alrdy a teacher earning a splendid sum of $3750 (i think) w/o CPF contribution. So u knw it, my grandma nagged n blaming me for not wanting 2b a teacher. She said I'm so stupid O levels also cannot get 2b a teacher! HELLO! Nadiah's cousin b a teacher aft her university studies NOT O levels! Btw, u think is easy 2b a teacher?

If u've read THE NEW PAPER on 21 March 2005(i think) abt Siti Suhana Saat (tats her name, i think) u'll knw y.. So was I scared? Scared? Scared of wat? ...... scared tat i cant make da cut of being a teacher n had 2pay da bond? NO.

Being a teacher has been my AMBITION SINCE THE DAY I ENTERED SCH LIFE. There are lots of things to consider when someone had chosen to be a teacher. Teaching is not just a job we can take lightly. Teaching is something that requires your ultimate heart & dedication. Teaching is etc etc etc....

I haf alrdy experience teaching life after my O levels. While waiting for my O level results, all my frends went 2work in retail, office or simply sit at hm n 'rot' but i worked in a kindergarten. Some of them were shocked as da requirements 2b a kindergarten teacher is 2haf 5 GCE O Level passes including English n I havent even got my O Levels results.

I knw. But I was lucky. The kindergarten ACCEPT N LEVEL results. Tat was y I got da job. But 8 months later - Dec26 2000 to Aug 31 2001 - TEACHERS DAY - I quit coz of personal (family) commitment... I earned $750 every month after deduction - brought hm $500plus. Since den, I vowed not 2stop teaching. I will continue.

Since I cant get into a computer course in any polytechnics so..

I SIGNED UP FOR A DIPLOMA IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION in Ngee Ann Poly. Still it wasnt easy 2get coz Ngee Ann Poly wans 2enrol only 150 or 200 and my! There were 333 students (5 guys - huh? A guy for a kindergarten teacher?) signing up.

I haf 2undergo a test n interview. During da interview, i didnt make da cut. Coz, after 3weeks aft da interview, I received a letter frm da poly stating tat i didnt get da course. Was i disappointed? Of coz I do but I WILL NEVA GIVE UP! I AM DETERMINE!

Hence, I am doing voluntarism in tutoring service in 2004 at WEST COAST STUDENT SERVICE CENTRE (WESSC) Thanks 2my younger siblings. They r members in tat service centre tats how they knw da centre needs a tutor. Although tis is voluntary service, i still get paid - allowance pay by per hour.

Now I think I haf some experience in teaching (but i dun think is enuff). For 8 months, I handle a class of 4 to 6 years old - still rem how stress i was esp wif da 4 year-olds - nursery - cry n cry. I didnt cry when i was in my kindergarten. I can laugh n smile during my kindergarten days n disturb those cry babies - sHame sHame... Those were da days..

Anyway, remember THE NEW PAPER on March 21 or was it March 20? Abt a lady who failed her Diploma frm NIE in teaching. Failing is equivalent to breaking da bond n as a result, she has 2pay $76,600 (i think tats da amt). So does tis scares me? Like i've said.. NO becoz..

'Belum cuba belum tau.'

Aku belum graduate frm my Bachelor degree. Selepas aku graduate, aku akan apply ke NIE. Dulu aku pernah apply but aku diberitahu: Private diploma not accepted. Mereka hanya boleh menerima A level, Polytechnic Diploma (any course) or Degree (any field - local or overseas). So, akan ku tunggu masanya. NOW U KNW Y I REALLY WANNA PURSUE MY BACHELOR DEGREE? NOT BECOZ I WAN PPLE 2 LOOK HIGH UPON ME BUT BECOZ OF AN AMBITION. I WILL NOT GIVE UP. I will give up after my applying to NIE with my Bachelors of Science (Hons) in Business Admin (Marketing) from University of Wales, UK is unsuccessful.

If successful...AKAN KUBUKTIKAN KEPADA SESIAPA YG PERNAH MENGATAKAN: MARIA, KAU NAK JADI TEACHER? JGN MIMPI! KAU KATA IMPIAN KAU SEMASA KAU KECIL? ITU KAN BABY TOK. Babies dun mean wat they say. (I can still rem tis stupid shit back in sec sch! Those idiotic ex-classmate n schmates of mine.. only shit come out frm their mouth! JGN TERPERANJAT KALAU IN THE FUTURE AKU MENJADI GURU ANAKMU!)

I WILL ONE DAY MAKE THEM REALISE TAT A 'SELENGER' PERSON LIKE ME CAN HELP TO NURTURE DA MINDS OF DA YOUNG! So, watever difficulties...i am facing now, I will juz IGNORE n endure it while I can coz tis is my promise for myself. Ssssh...dun tell my parents.. *winkz*

Amyria pours her heart out @ 9:43 pm   |

Monday, June 27, 2005

Hmm..juz as when i was abt to start to change my blog layout (coz sum of da pics r gone), my pics r back! On da track!! Funny... Anyway, feel free to drop in any comments yeah.. abt anything...

Amyria pours her heart out @ 11:40 pm   |

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Shooting Stars to brighten up Singapore's night scene!

Sylvester caught kissing a girl? Taufik descends from his Idol throne to become a pizza delivery boy? Relax, the boys are just doing it for their upcoming debut drama series Shooting Stars on Channel 5!

If you have not already heard, six Singapore Idol finalists will reunite for a 10-episode drama series set to debut on National Day, August 9, Tues, 8.30pm. (Hmm, if tats da case, I DO NOT WANT to have ANY CLASS ON TUESDAY!! Also, NO TUITION AT WESSC Every Tuesday too COZ I WANNA WATCH how these 2 singing idols acted on tv..)

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Aptly named Shooting Stars, the show was almost called Paper Planes or Dream Makers, until comments ran loud on the Taiwanese-drama sounding name permutations. Settling on Shooting Stars as its current identity, the Idols starring in the show are expected to burn as bright as the rare beautiful sightings of falling meteors commonly believed to make dreams come true.

Catch Taufik and Sly headlining the show along with Olinda, Daphne and Jeassea in a Singapore Idol finalists' drama debut. These youths give acting a shot with commendable results: expect passionate kissing and realistic emotional exchanges. With roles tailored to their real-life characters, we can look forward to some interesting on-screen action from these familiar faces.

For a taste of what is to come, Taufik will play a pizza delivery boy making ends meet and trying for the better life he and his girlfriend, Su, look to for the future. Despite working hard at meeting Su's (played by popular Suria face Alfarahizah Awangnit- tak sajak..cari lah actress lain... duh) expectations, Taufik really just wants to sing.

Sly plays a drink stall owner's son who remains unsatisfied with his simple existence serving drinks at a hawker centre. The quiet brooding type, he falls in love with an elusive rebel played by newcomer Maylene Loo. Babelicious as she is, Sly gets himself all messed up trying the save the party animal from her druggie associates. Really a closet song writer and singer, Sly escapes his father's constant chidings and relationship woes by joining a music school.

There he meets Taufik, Olinda, Daphne and Jeassea, where they learn to rock together while taught by renowned songwriter and performer George. George the teacher is played by American-Chinese David Wu, who is best remembered as veteran Channel V VJ, who also appears occasionally in Taiwanese serials.

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Watch this space as we bring you the latest updates on the much-anticipated drama series. Get the juicy news behind-the-scenes, and the interesting nuggets behind cameo roles. You will not want to miss Sly's goofy antics, Taufik's on-screen chemistry with his girlfriend, and Olinda, Daphne and Jeassea making it big like the Stars they are. Actually, Leandra's in da drama but she dropped out last minute coz she has to pursue her Art course in Australia!! Tats cool! Also, Christopher Lee shld be in da drama but he too has to go to Perth Australia for University studies! Kudos!

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Amyria pours her heart out @ 8:40 pm   |

Friday, June 24, 2005

Friendster Testimonial Part 8

My only testimonial tat is in malay.. Dun worry, I'll translate it.

28. Hi Maria. Mengenali Maria pada mulanya kelihatan sombong,tapi bila dah mengenalinya maria seorang yang very pendiam, berwawasan dalam mengejar Ilmu,suka membantu teman,baik hati dan selalu mendengar kata ibu bapa.Walaupun kelihatan pendiam dia sudi berbual dengan siapa saja.

Hi Maria. Knwing her at first, she looked very unfriendly but after knwing her deeper, she is sumone who is very quiet, sumone who thinks that if u can go further to study, go ahead, sumone who loves to help her friends, kind, generous, n very obedient to the family. Yes, she lhe looks very quiet, but still, she talks wif anyone n everyone.

Amyria pours her heart out @ 6:29 pm   |

Thursday, June 23, 2005


Shit! Sum of my pics r down! Darn!! Have to change my layout... AGAIN.. Neway, me in sch rite now..for Human Capital/Resources Management.. Darn.. Its MR Poh again, my Quantitative Methods lecturer.. He very boring one leh! Anyway.. lets continue.. wif da SENSASI story..

Amyria pours her heart out @ 6:48 pm   |

Monday, June 20, 2005

3 entries in one day!

1) Kenangan semasa persekolahan di JTSS (2)

CONTINUATION from 8 May 2005 n 20 May.
SOURCE: Frm my diary book year 1999. I COPIED EVERYTHING. NOT A WORD LEFT OR ADD OR CHANGE but as usual i replace da sumone's name to H.B. Nazrul.. I will use Diego.

27th July 1999

I was walking wif Shuiyan and Diego at da back gate when H.B came along wif his gd English accent. I knew its him coz I recognized his voice. Basically everything abt him, i knw.. hehe
Anyway, 2avoid myself being teased by Diego, I walked away very quickly till I was in front them. However, tat idiotic Diego noticed and he was being sarcastic and said,"Eh, Maria! Nanti ah! Asal cepat sgt!" (Hey, Maria.. Wait up! Y so fast?) I knw.. he wanted me 2wait for H.B! No way am I goin 2fall to his trap n made me 'Paiseh'.

Then we boarded da same bus: 282. All 4 us sat one by one:

But in da end, I was forced 2sit at where H.B was sitting n H.B sat at where I was sititng as those 2 fellas wanna have a chit-chat. I dun mind. Den da 3 of them alighted at da same bus stop - while I alighted at Clementi Interchange.. Anyway wanna knw wat Diego did? Aft they alighted, Diego n Shuiyan didnt juz walk off. They wait until da bus drove off - to say BYE to me lah.. So Diego put up H.B's hands and waved 'bye' 2me but I did not respond (i didnt smile n waved back) coz I knw Diego was trying 2 humiliate me in da presense of H.B. Think I dunno..

30th July

Tis time, we (Shuiyan, Diego, me) alone waiting for bus. And when da bus reached Ginza Plaza's bus stop, there I saw H.B running 2catch da bus. Oops! Oh! Oh! Hmm...do u think same as wat happen on 27th?

Well, NO. H.B boarded da bus(managed 2catch da bus) and da 3 of them - i was not included - chit chat. All 4 of us tis time were standing in da bus. No plc 2sit! Ok, den when da bus had reached H.B's destination, he dropped off but Shuiyan n Diego didnt. They will be dropping off at MY destination TIS TIME! Wahaha!

19th August

Ah! Life in sch these few weeks was such a bore! Esp during Eng n Geo lesson. Wel for Eng..da teacher was a bore.. Not da subject.. For Geo, BOTH lah!

At 1pm, I went straight hm. Diego didnt come 2sch 2day so bored w/o him. He was such an amusement! Laughter da best medicine mah! Hehehe.. Fadhil? I dun knw wat da hell was wrong wif him! He was in bad mood dun wish 2disturb him. Rosliah n Faridah having some prefects thingie. If i wanna wait for them... i dun knw how long da prefects thingie took. Heck i juz went straight hm 2do some revision coz N LEVEL is abt a months' time!!

When I had reached Clementi Interchange, I saw Nasir, Hafidz Hassan, Hisham n Nazri roaming around da Clementi Interchange. Hmm.. wat in da world were they there? I knw Clementi is NOT MY PLC ALONE, IT IS A PUBLIC PLC where pple frm all over SG can come to! It was juz tat 2day they didnt wait for a bus 2go 2 sum plc sum where but was juz wondering ard.. Hmm..
so, I followed them. I spied them quietly. Besides, I was bored so y not I did sumthing entertaining? Hehe.. Sigh..

If I had knwn, I wldnt haf 2 spy/follow them! Waste of time! I thot they wanna go where or meet who. They actually walk one whole round of Clementi Avenue 3 juz 2go to Clementi Sports Hall?! Cant they juz go straight 2 CLementi Sports Hall w/o walking in a maze?! Huh? Wat were they doing at Clementi Sports Hall? How da hell do I knw! I didnt follow them when they went in to da sports hall. Malas dah! Balik sudah!

31st August

Hello! I really enjoyed myself 2day. Y? TEACHERS DAY CELEBRATION! And tis yr's celebration is better than all da previous years..mayb coz H.B n gang performed?! Wahaha! I wanna perform BUT my mum la n grandma.. they said: "Kan bagus kau belajar utk N level dari kau memekik nak practise nyanyi." So I didnt get 2perform! I didnt even write my name! :( C la! Wanna perform on stage again.. dihalang!

Like I'd said, H.B n gang performed (Diego - wasnt there, absent! - Fadhil, Hisham, Nasir, Hafidz Hassan n Suresh wasnt da gang i was referring to. Da gang i was referring to: Fidridz, Mustaqim, Shukor, Haidir, Hairi, Weiliang n of coz lah H.B) so I didnt miss taking pictures of them! Wahaha! Tat was da 2nd piece of news. Wat was da first?

Well, b4 da TEACHERS DAY CELEBRATION (da PERFORMANCE), all of us had 2b in class..chit chatting for da first 2 periods.. Within these 2 periods, TEACHERS' DEDICATION - which means..students dedicating songs for their beloved teachers will be played! Hah. I dedicated "Thank You" by Alanis Morissette 2all da teachers who are teaching my class: 4N1!
We had to fill in da dedication form n handed 2da teacher-in-charge b4 30August.And da teacher-in-charge will choose 2 students 2read our dedication. Try 2guess who read my dedication?

H.B READ MY DEDICATION!!! Lucky i wrote my dedication in my perfect Eng ever. Muz show 2him mah tat my Eng also as gd as him. He scored A1 for N level Eng, mind u! So he read my dedication n even mentioned my name. Well..no big deal wat mentioning my name but da form allowed us 2use nickname provided we put in our names as stated in da registers. So my name in da dedication: By Maria also knwn as Amy Maria 4N1. He read tat ok!! So happy!

However those guys in brackets told me it wasnt H.B who read my dedication. But a guy frm Express class. They said teachers definitely choose students frm Express class not Normal like us. But I argued wif them tat H.B really did read my dedication! I knw tats him! I knw tats his voice!

Anyway da most funniest performance: DIKIR BARAT n Teachers doing da Bamboo dance! Mustaqim, Fidridz, Mathathir aka Mamat Malafone were in Dikir Barat performance. Funny is: Halfway thru da performance, Mustaqim's 'songkok' fall off! Wahaha! He didnt pick up coz Dikir Barat mah! Hands muz move leh.. He had 2do all da movements. Dun care da 'songkok'! So thru out da performance, all guys in Dikir Barat had a songkok on top of their heads except for Mustaqim... Haha.. Odd

K, enuff of da great stuff.. 2nd Sept: DA START OF N LEVELS.. betta study!!! Alrite..time for my revision!

Amyria pours her heart out @ 4:30 pm   |

2) Nur Afiqah

It is gonna b almost two months since I start private tutoring Nur Afiqah. Thanks 2my mum of coz.. My grandma didnt really like da idea coz she said far. She everything all far! Nur Afiqah stayed at Tao Ching Rd near da Taman Jurong area. Well, tats not far 2me. Sengkang, Hougang.. TATS FAR! But if da plc is accessible by bus or MRT, i dun regard it as far.

Hmm.. u knw.. mouth to mouth advertising is gd. Afiqah's mum mentioned me to her neighbour and her neighbour asked if I m able to tutor her Pri 4 daughter. Hmm... I will consider. *Y muz consider?! U earned more money dumbo!*

Anyway..tis is AfiqAh.. Aint she cute? *winkz*

Posted by Hello

Amyria pours her heart out @ 3:59 pm   |

3) Pesta Perdana 8 results

The nominees for tis year's Pesta Perdana was boring! I got back hm on Fri juz in time to witness MOST POPULAR PERSONALITY award Male and Female..

Nurul Aini won Female "MOST POPULAR PERSONALITY". I think ok lah.. she also not bad. But Male "MOST POPULAR PERSONALITY: AARON AZIZ!!! Him again!!!

Guess wat? My mum said Aaron Aziz also won Best Comedian! I was like: "Dia kelakar ke?" Coz its the first time da actor, who's knwn more for his serious roles in dramas, playing a cimic character. Shld be Alias Kadir! He acted as a woman for one comedy show! Aaron Aziz beat hot fav, Alias Kadir n juz for shaking his butt for a dangdut, he won?! Lame...

Best Host, i thot Suhaimi can grab again but Najip Ali won tat category. Suhaimi can treat it as a joke. He said: "I have 6 trophies alrdy at hm. I arranged them so tat they can "tok" among themselves. They said 'the more the merrier' but one trophy has betrayed me. The trophy went to Najip's house.." All da audience laughed!

Will be watching da encore telecast of it on 26 Jun: 9pm. I knw..it wont b da same as watching it LIVE

Amyria pours her heart out @ 2:58 pm   |

Friday, June 17, 2005

Working tmr

I will b working tmr (again)! However, they changed da day to only one day instead of two.. tat means I DUN HAVE TO WORK ON SUNDAY!!!

Tmr, I WILL B OUTSIDE HEEREN! Watever for? Didnt I say, I will b working tmr?! Yup, i will b outside Heeren n work!

My job is to distribute brochures! Hey, it is not a low standard kinda job k! Just like last week, I have to give out brochures to pple TO PROMOTE OUR BRAND NAME: WEBWALKERS.

So, if anyone of u will b goin out to town tmr n happen 2c me.. n I happen 2 give da brochure 2u, plz accept it.. DUN AFT ACCEPTING IT U THROW IN FRONT OF ME COZ TAT BROCHURE COST MONEY TO MY COMPANY. ONE PIECE OF BROCHURE 0.88!!

C u pple tmr!! Hehe... dun forget to say hi 2me if u c me.. (like as if, u will.. :p)

Anyway, now in sch..having break time. Gonna start another new subject soon next week!! Wat da... I really dun understand da sch system. Anyway, for 2day's subject: MANAGEMENT, da duration is 6 May to 29 July, den EXAM. For my other subject which is next week: HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, duration is 16 June (yestday!! Bloody hell they didnt inform me again!) till 18 August, den EXAM!

Funny ryt? I think I still prefer Full time where all da time table very flexible n n0t as messy as part time but wat to do... Just move on, go wif da flow..


Amyria pours her heart out @ 8:34 pm   |


Tonite's Pesta Perdana 8. I CANT WATCH!! Y DA HELL THEY MAKE IT ON FRIDAY? Juz becoz Friday is TGIF? (For gundus who doesnt knw wats TGIF >> THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY)

Duh.. Usually tis kind of award show is always held on Sat or Sun, for da past 7 years! BUT Y TODAY ON FRIDAY!!! I have class on Fri nites!! Cant watch! :( Blame it on Suria for making it on a Friday!!!

I do not knw who r da nominees BUT i knw da nominees for MOST POPULAR PERSONALITY or PERSONALITI PALING POPULAR.

For da past 3 years, TOP 3 will win tis award. For tis year, only one frm EACH catergory will win tis award. Most Popular Personality is divided into two: Male and Female. So one male winner n one female winner.

EVERYBODY (if u r watching Pesta Perdana later tonite) PLZ VOTE FOR KHAIRUDIN!! Aaron Aziz? Dah basi ah.. Dah kahwin.. No interest!! Hahaha! Suhaimi Yusof? Itu makcik2 dan pakcik2 yg vote!!

Khairudin Saharom has been in tis industry since 1996 (he WAS RUNNER UP in 1995 FAME AWARDS >> Host Category) so plz VOTE FOR HIM!!!! I WANT HIM 2B PERSONALITY PALING POPULAR. Not only of his gd looks but he IS DA ONLY ARTIST WHO RECEIVE DA LEE KUAN YEW AWARD! Other artiste study till degree too but didnt receive tat award. Khai received it in year 1998, if i'm not wrong. So, for da last time: PLZ VOTE FOR KHAIRUDIN!!! Type PP8 M5 (space) your name (space) your ic n send it to 72888.. VOTE FOR KHAIRUDIN ok? My mum also vote for him!! She wans da WHOLE FAMILY 2vote for him. Wahaha! Go Khai Go!

Amyria pours her heart out @ 8:20 am   |

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Muhd Daniel Zahid aka mati bakar

Part 1:14 MAY
Part 2: 16 May
Part 3: 18 May
Part 4: 2 June
Part 5: 4 JUNE

This is Part 6. I will write WAT I THINK OF Daniel Zahid aka Mati Bakar. Y do i call him Mati Bakar? Dun ask me.. Ask Daniza... She gave him tat name... when she was angry wif her "bf", she call him mati bakar.

Memang cinta itu buta.(It is true, love is blind) Tapi mati bakar tu benar2 cintakan DanIza ker? (But does Daniel really love Daniza?) Hidup tak akan bahagia kalau tak ada duit. (He wont have a happy life with her if he has no money n no job) Dan suatu waktu dulu DanIza sanggup kahwin lari kalau percintaan mereka dihalang oleh orang tua DanIza. Merepekkan...( I rem hearing tat Daniza will elope to marry Daniel if her parents object)

Bila bercinta mesti nak melayari bahtera perkahwinan dan tanpa perkerjaan nak kasi anak bini makan apa? DANIEL... U MUZ REMEMBER: KAU MANA ADA PERKERJAAN! ADA HATI MAU KAHWIN!

Cinta mereka berdua...dulu mati bakar pernah berkata pada Anura, dia tak cintakan Daniza sekadar meluahkan rasa saja. Untung sabut timbul untung batu tenggelam. (cewah! My Peribahasa not bad siak! Hehehe...)

Dan impian mati bakar menjadi kenyataan bila pertama kali mati bakar send gambar mat salleh handsome, Daniza terpikat giler. //He sent da same photo 2me too... But TAK HAIRAN LAH... I dun believe tats him// (Chatters... they can lied 2u..they can pose of as one handsome dude but in actual fact.. they r lunatic!)

Dlm diam mereka bercinta dan minta Daniza rahsiakan segalanya dari Anura. Aku? Mereka nak berahsia ke tak ke... I dun give a damn! Itu hal mereka. Kecoh gara-gara mereka bila Anura dpt tahu. Mati bakar tidak lagi menganggap Anura kawan baik dan kawan dunia akhirat nya kerana dia dah ada penganti baru. Guys... when they got a new one.. da old one they treat as garbage! (So Daniza be careful... he may treat u like garbage when he is sick of u or has found sumone new.)

Aku tahu mati bakar mesti cakap yg Anura cemburu dengan daniza . Sorry lah ...tapi perbuatan mereka berdua sungguh menyakitkan hati
. Tak ada perasaan langsung..tapi depan Daniza, mati bakar selalu KUTUK KAWAN NYA SENDIRI: ANURA. (FUCKING IDIOT GUY SIA HE! Insult his own friend.)


Daniza tak kisah dengar ini semua....cintalah katakan. Lagipun ini bukan urusan Daniza tak perlu lah dia masuk campur tentu DanIza berfikiran begitu.

Anura bermusuhan dgn DanIza hanya kerana mati bakar punya pukulan. Dia membocorkan rahsia yang Anura ceritakan. Kenapa rahsia ni boleh terbongkar?

Hey Daniel! Kau yg suruh ANURA nasihatkan KEKASIH KAU kerana menurut kau Daniza dah liar. Eisy! Hello?!!! Mak bapak dia tak kisah pun tentang anaknya ini kan pula org luar?

Daniza... do u knw tat Daniel byk bercerite tentang U dgn Anura. Dont u knw tat dia pernah mengatakan pada Anura: "Entah-entah Daniza pernah buat sex dengan abang iparnya dan juga abang nya sendiri memandangkan Daniza begitu rapat."

Daniza...if he really loves u, he wldnt have tat kind of perception n said those things.. In fact, he jealous is it tat u r close with ur bro n bro-in law.. They r UR FAMILY... U SHLD BE CLOSE WIF FAMILY RYT? FOR DANIEL.. HE'S NOT EVEN A FAMILY N HE ALREADY SAID THOSE KIND OF THINGS 2U?!

Jauh rupanya nilaian mati bakar dan minta Anura rahsiakan apa yg dia katakan tadi. Tapi aku tahu yg Anura marah pada mati bakar kerana mati bakar masih nak menyuruh Anura nasihatkan Daniza. Dah desperate lah tu!!!

Daniel, mcm lah kau tak tahu Daniza nya perangai yg "nyerandu" konon perbuatan dia betul. Aku kesian dgn Anura.. kerana akhirnya Anura yg kena serang.

Daniza serang dia dgn kata-kata biadap dia. Anura act cool only, ini adalah perjanjian dia dgn mati bakar. Akhirnya terperdaya dan tak rasa diri diperbodohkan dan hanya percayai kata mati bakar saja sampai bila2.

Syabas!!! Pandai kau main kata2 Daniel. Aku tau.. kau dulu nak mengoda aku dan hanya nak memainkan aku but sorry..sebelum kau dpt mengoda aku.. AKU MAINKAN KAU BALIK.. haha... tapi sayang... aku tak dpt selamatkan Daniza daripada mempercayai BUAYA DARAT SEPERTI KAU: MUHD DANIEL ZAHID SHAH. (CONGRATS!! U r very gd wif words, Daniel. I knw.. Previously u wans 2 woo me n make fun of me but sorry... b4 u did tat... I OUTWITTED U FIRST!! haha.. but.. wat a pity, i cant save Daniza frm a wild alligator like U!)

Masih kuat ingatan aku kata-kata Daniza dalam SMS kepada Anura... Daniza percaya hanya "Muhammad Daniel Zahid Shah saja yang boleh dapat puki dia bukan abang ipar atau abang dia sendiri."

Patutlah Daniza berani gi rumah jantan tu tanpa ada orang tua mati bakar. BUAT PROJECT LAH TU!!!
I can still rem Daniel WISH 2MEET ME N WANTS ME 2GO OVER 2HIS PLC WHEN HIS PARENTS R NOT AROUND! Did I? Nope! Aku ada maruah diri! Aku bukan liar seperti Daniza dan aku tak mau DIPERBODOHKAN! So, he finds another target.

Anyway, I wld like 2remind Daniel again: "Kembalikan duit Anura kerana kau sudah ada bisness. Harta kau yang tersembunyi dibawah tanah tu keluarkan. Tak malu ke kau berhutang dengan kawan dunia akhirat kau tapi akhirnya kau yang bastard dia! Kawan makan kawan. Daniza kata pada aku yg Anura stab dia tapi yg sebenarnya KAU YG STAB ANURA!!! Knp ini semua mesti Anura yg dipersalahkan? Adil ke ini? Knp kau tak mau mengaku kesalahan kau? Sebab kau EGO. LELAKI EGOISTIC N MATERILIATIC!" (Plz return $1200 u borrowed Anura. Watever treasure or gold u have, dig it out. Dont u have any sense of shame at all? U r a guy but borrow money frm a woman! No wonder all woman avoided u.. U only want their money... Kau nak kikis duit perempuan... Like I had already said..guys like u shld just ceast 2exist!)

Sebenarnya byk yg Anura nak cakap tapi semua tak berguna dan seperti biasa akan dinafikan saja. Daniel Zahid...Dptkah kau memaafkan diri kau jika kau kembali pada Daniza seperti yg pernah kau cakap pada Anura dulu? Pernah tak kau fikirkan perbuatan kau ini betul atau tidak?

Aku dah tau segala-galanya. Aku kan seperti permerhati. Dulu masa Anura tanya kau, kau terpikat dgn Daniza kerana dia manja...tapi kau nafikan. Kau tergoda dengan kemanjaan.. tapi EGO kau selalu menafikan. Dengan bangga kau kata kepada Anura: "Aku boleh dpt yg lebih cantik dan muda dari Daniza."

Hahaha.. Daniza dan aku..dia yg lebih muda.. kau dah tua kerepot! 36 tahun, nak yg muda mcm mana lagi? (U mentioned to Anura b4 tat u can get a girl younger than Daniza. Hahaha.. Daniza n me, Daniza is younger.. U r already VERY OLD: 36 years old! - U can call my mum "kakak", so tat can make u my uncle.. Wahahaha!! - So how young u want a girl 2b? Plz lah wake up frm ur dreams!)

Kau pun sambung mengatakan yg kau boleh dpt lebih manja dari Daniza, lebih seksi dan macam2 lagi...tapi knp Daniza saja juga yang kau kejar... Apa yang membuat kau tergila pada Daniza?

Daniel, plz rem tat u r as lazy as an ox! Not working! Always laze around watching porn movies! So I think u might forget tis: Perempuan yg kau boleh dapat tu semua berduit.. HAHAHa.. Aku sedang ketawa terbahak-bahak. Mereka ada duit pun tak bodoh seperti mana yg kau sangkakan. Mereka tak ingin kan kau kerana kau memang tak berduit dan tak punya apa-apa.... Sedar lah dari mimpi yang panjang!

Kau mmg pandai berbicara dan berbelit kata. Kau sanggup tinggi kan EGO kau namun untuk mengakuinya: Mati hidup balik pun KAU tak akan mengaku.

Tapi Daniza sembarang dan cincai. Dpt kau cuma hilangkan kesunyian sementara menanti jantan yang lebih baik....Ada kah dia setia? Desperate!!! Kau yg desperate atau Daniza? Aku rasa: Kedua2nya DESPRATE!!!!

Tapi betul ke Daniza yg tulis poem tu atau ada perangkap jerat!!! Atau kau nak bagi tahu dunia dan orang-orang tertentu... yang kau dapat memiliki cinta Daniza. Kau berbanggalah kini. Tambahan pula Daniza dah jadi pembantu peribadi kau. Keduanya tunjuk so touching tapi bullshit. Aku masih ingat lagi kata Daniza masa Daniza benar-benar benci kan kau dan selalu cakap pergi mati lah sama kau sebab tu timbul nama baru "MATI BAKAR''.

Kedua2nya dah ludah jilat balik....Hahahahahaha......Lain kali tu jangan cakap lawa dan tinggi sangat! Yang tahu cerita cuma tak mahu pulangkan paku buah keras saja pada anda.

Membiarkan si luncai terjun dengan labu2nya.....

Amyria pours her heart out @ 11:26 pm   |

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Police Academy Carnival

very ecstatic today!! tel u y in details NOW.. LUCKY TO WORK ON 11 JUNE AND 12 JUNE.. Why? Well... hehe.. i tell u da plc first.

I have 2go for company's exhibition at the Police Academy for Police Week Carnival 2005. Suresh wasnt there! Sob... He was done wif training and was transferred to Jurong East Police Central (i think). // y not Clementi? //

Anyway... i knw it was exhausting coz on BOTH DAYS, MY WOKRING HRS: 9AM TO 7PM.. 10 hrs!!! Have 2stand most of da time n gave out brochures..

Da reason my company have da exhibition IS NOT TO PUSH SALES BUT TO INCREASE OUR BRAND AWARENESS: WebWalkers (da pic below: Our booth) I knw NOT MANY OF U HEARD OF WEBWALKERS RYT? sO by reading my blog? Do u knw? Hehe.. In fact, wat does tis do? Downloading contents for ur mobile phones: Ringtones and Java Games... If u have constantly been reading n visiting my blog, definitely u did read tat i wrote i always have to test java games ryt?

K... now let me do some advertising... haha... If u wished 2 download cool ringtones of java games, DUN GO TO THOSE 1900 NUMBERS!!! They are PER MIN CHARGE: EXPENSIVE.. WEBWALKERS ONLY CHARGE U PER DOWNLOAD.. NO PER MINIT CHARGE.. HOW LONG U TOOK TO BROWSE FOR DA SONG, ONCE U DOWNLOAD, ITS ONE TIME CHARGE.. not cumbersome ryt? u dun have to go to tis process: Press 1 for English, blah blah... Den Step 2, Press 1 for Mono blah blah... Den Step 3, press 1 for Nokia... Den last step, enter da code.. Walane! To get ONE RINGTONE: $12 OVER! Compare to WEBWALKERS - 1 RINGTONE: $2. Wah.. i am advertising my own brand ryt here in my blog! Haha.. Anyway, to check out wat r da other cool wallpapers, rintones or java games.. log on via ur mobile phone (MUZ BE GPRS) at: http://portal.kcap.net Dun go type tat URL to da website hor!! Tat URL is our WAP site..

Anyway y was i estactic abt? Read below to FIND OUT.. WOO-HOO FINALLY..AFT HAIZAD I FINALLY GOT TO MEET....

Posted by Hello

Amyria pours her heart out @ 11:22 pm   |

Its a GD n LUCKY thing tat I have 2work on these 2days if NOT.. CANT MEET TAUFIK!!! OUR VERY OWN SINGAPORE IDOL!!!! He performed on SUNDAY 12 JUNE... AT 7PM... Aft work...i went 2 watch his performance!! I told my mum to fetch me at a later time!! I need 2watch my idol!!!

Haha....lucky me huh.. in fact, NOT ALL DA STAFF OF KYOCERA COMMUNICATIONS have to do da exhibition..selected only... N I WAS DA LUCKY ONE 2B SELECTED!!! And since da exhibition is 2b held at Police Academy, they definitely haf 2INVITE TAUFIK!! Taufik's still in SPF..

More of his pics below... da pic rite below tis is damn small n blur sia.. my stupid motorola phone lah! Oh yeah! One more thing..his fans.. can scream n shout tis: TAUFIK I LOVE YOU.... Alamak! Tlg lah bersopan sikit (yup, they're malays) kan ada makcik dan pakcik kat situ.. Ingat kamu semua ke yg ada.. eh makcik n pakcik yg standard pun nak tgk Taufik perform!

Amyria pours her heart out @ 11:08 pm   |

Groove with Taufik!! Yeah! U knw when he took out his jacket, ALL DA "ENTHUSIATS" GALS SHOUT N SCREAMED! Oi! My ears very pain leh!

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Taufik standing still for da fans to take his photo!! YAHOO! I took his photo USING 2 HPS! MY COMPANY ALLOWED ME TO BRING HOME ONE COMPANY PHONE: NOKIA 3230!! so i use tat phone to take tis pic.. and da above pic quite small frm my Motorola V220 lor!

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Image hosted by Photobucket.com

B4 Taufik stood still for us fans to take his photo, he did a performance first. Only 3 songs! So pathetic! 1 hr only! But its BETTA THAN NOTHING.. he performed in order: THE REASON (MY FAV SONG), SWAY and every FAN of Taufik's fav song: SUPERSTITIONS!

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Taking out his jacket 2pose..and he made ALL THOSE FANS OF HIM SCREAM when he took out his jacket!Definitely not me! Kena tau jaga diri kan?

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Aft his performance, WE R NOT ALLOWED 2GO BACKSTAGE N HAVE HIS AUTOGRAPH OR TAKE A PHOTO WIF HIM... Security guards all over!! Damn!!! If not, i can tel him tis: Taufik, my friend, Dira sent u her regards.. Yeah, i told Dira abt it and damn she cant make it, she has to go sumwhere... If not, definitely she came wif her digital camera n snapped Taufik's pic clearer than all these pics n post..wahaha.. .

Amyria pours her heart out @ 10:36 pm   |

Hmm..shit! Da lights spoilt tis!
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Image hosted by Photobucket.com
A close up pic of him... Hmm... Not tat clear huh? The stupid lights lah!

Amyria pours her heart out @ 10:30 pm   |

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Students study in private sch.. are they considered STUPID? I will tell u one whole story abt my study life n wat my grandma thinks n u fig it out urself.

As u knw studying in local polytechnic takes 3 years. Studying in ITE: 2 years and if u r top 10, u can direct entry to Poly Year 2 of da same course, taking another 2 years. Total: 4 years. 3 or 4 years of study aft sec sch n da paper u will b getting is DIPLOMA. Wat if those pple who wans 2 study for degree? It will take them another 3 or 4 years! And at da end of 8 years, den u get ur degree!

Unlike A levels: 2 years for Junior College and 3 years for Milenia Institute (Jurong Institute and Outram Institute merge) aft A levels, they hav da choice 2go Poly or University which takes another 3 years.. total >> 5 to 6 years of getting da degree.

Compare 2 private schs like MDIS, INFORMATICS.. how long u study 2get a degree? I cant ans u yet coz i m still doing it. But allow me 2say for my Diploma.. i took it for 8 months. Advanced Diploma da duration is 1 year but i flung sum subjects n ended up finishing it in 1 year 8 months. Total no of years of getting those Diplomas: 2 years 4 months. (Frm Apr 2002 to Aug 2004)

I knw sum of u have a very pathetic thinking tat I FAILED MY Os n hence had to go 2 private schs! PLZ DUN HAVE TAT KIND OF PATHETIC THINKING! MY GRANDMA HAD TAT KIND OF THINKING (well coz she's old) but those pple who have da same thinking as her.. dun let me regard u as old too ok!

I will tell u my O levels results here. First try n 2nd try n u fig it urself, whether i am a failure or otherwise. FIRST TRY: Year 2000, took it when in Sec 5. 2ND TRY, retake as a private candidate..well only retake 2 subjects n i tel u y i decided 2study in private sch rather than local poly.

(WOW! a whooping increase by 3!)

MALAY B4 No 2nd try.. pass wat no need 2retake.. wahaha
SCIENCE C6 Forget abt taking it again... I pass tat n tats tat!
COMMERCIAL STUDIES C6 Pass, no need to retake
(not happy wif da grades, so i retake! HEcK!)

So how wat do u think? I pass or fail? I passed! But y i didnt wanna go Poly? If i were to go to Poly... (Jul 2002 to June 2005) I WLD HAVE GRADUATE TIS YEAR NOT DEGREE BUT DIPLOMA!!!

But wat level am i now? Undergraduate.. Means already a degree student. I was vice chairman of my sec 5 class. My chairman also took O levels twice and he already graduated wif a Diploma.. Since he stayed around my area, whenever we met, he mentioned how was i doing n i tol him, alrdy in degree, he gave me a thumbs up. C? I chose 2go 2 private sch coz it is short cut! But y is it my grandma juz cant understand?! When i tried explaining 2her, she didnt wanna hear, all she said: Kau mmg bodoh!

First time, my O level; 29, 2nd time: 24.. Can go Poly but i chose not to DOES TAT MEAN I AM STUPID? IF I M STUPID, den those pple lower education more stupid is it?! Sigh!

Amyria pours her heart out @ 10:50 pm   |

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I have a HECTIC work schedule for me TIS WEEK n for da FOLLOWING WEEK. Since 6 JUNE to 24 JUNE... i will b bz working!!! YES! Even on SAT n SUN! 11 n 12 june, are for my two days which i took off for exams n 18 n 19 june, is extra working hrs for me...

So volunteers of WESSC.. if u r reading tis, da proposal for WESSC's Dec Camp.. yeah..i was assigned to type it out but plz be patient coz i haf 2work frm 6 JUNE to 24 JUNE.. not forgetting my MANAGEMENT assignment which is due on 24 JUNE!!!

Sigh.. i am helping my sis, Atikah wif her blog.. check out her blog.. still in OK stage... me bz 2choose nice nice skins for her..

Wat sia! Another gal had INTRUDED Anura's blog! And she very da marah! And Anura wans me 2delete her blogspot n create a new one n make sure da name of da blogspot pple wont knw..
Hmm.. i wonder how tat gal can knw.. Oh yeah! I forgot.. Anura's nickname! So using tat nickname, she is able 2c n read Anura's blog! And now, I have an extra job 2do >> Change Anura's blog! Thanks 2 tat intruder!!!

Amyria pours her heart out @ 9:58 pm   |

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Movie Marathon

4 June.. WESSC organized yet another Movie Marathon. The last movie marathon was on 12th March 10pm till 13 March 8am.. Due to popular demand, WESSC organized it again frm 4 June 8 pm till 5 June 8 am..

I wasnt there during the FIRST MOVIE MARATHON. The members watched (as in VCD lah): You got Serve, Son of The Mask, The Incredibles and Nang Nak..

So for this June's Movie Marathon... instead of watching 4 movies as planned, they watched a total of 6 movies.

The VCDs (movies) we watched in sequence: PACIFIER, THE EYE 10, SUMANTO CANNIBAL , ALIEN VS PREDATOR (alamak! wat sia! i watched tis already! y didnt da members chose: Elektra or Kingdom of Heavens or Monster In Law?!) KISAH BENAR DARI MASIKA - KERIS LAMA and I Know Wat U Did Last Raya.

I arrived WESSC at 8.10pm. Movie Marathon starts at 10pm as usual. I sat a da counter helping Anura wif her blogspot. She was trying 2b extra clever - she change this, change that and all of a sudden EVERYTHING GONE.. I have to redo for her. Tulah awak! Extra pandai kan. Dah pandai nak pandai lagi.. hehehe.

Anyway aft waking up - tat is when my hp was ringing with my ringtone: Britney's Toxic - i chit chat wif Anura for a while b4 heading hm to have a shower.

At 10.30am, I watched Power Rangers Ninja Storm.. Hehe.. If i were to rush down to WESSC aft my shower, I will miss not one show BUT TWO! So betta watch it at 10.30 am n aft watching, vacuum..den off 2 WESSC again.

Is it a MUZ to watch Power Rangers? Well.. i HAVE to WORK next sat n Sun (11 to 12 june - making up for the 2 days i off) and i CANT WATCH Power Rangers next Sun.. Lucky i can watch it 2day.. If not, I WILL MISS IT FOR Twice in a row.

Amyria pours her heart out @ 5:39 pm   |

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Chat log: Mati Bakar kembali di chat!

Before u read tis chat log which is in malay.. rem da sensasi story? Yup..it still continues.. AFTER READING THE STORY ON 2 JUNE, TATS DA END OF MY STORY WITH HIM.. AND AFT ME, HE GOT TO KNW ANOTHER VOLUNTEER AND I WILL TELL U AFT TIS CHATLOG DA ACTUAL STORY BEHIND IT. Meanwhile read da chat log n SCROLL DOWN BELOW (rite aft da chat log) coz I said wrote sumthing FOR ALL OF U TO READ. Dun worry..i wrote it in English. *winkz*

ANura says: malam maria...
ME: mlm
ANura says: ada berita tergempar tau!
ANura says: mati bakar tadi chat nagan aku
ME: WOW! tak sangka ok..den ?
ANura says: abis aku cakap "eh! kau masih nak bual ngan aku?"
ANura says: abis dia cakap asal tak leh?
ME: ok...den tak sebut nak bayar pinjaman duit?
ANura says:
abis aku cakap kat dia balik.... aku bukan apa tak mahu kekasih kau ombak aku cam dulu lagi
ANura says: duit? tak lah mana dia nak cakap pasal tu semua.....
ANura says:
abis aku tanya dia asal dia pecahkan rahsia sedangkan kita pernah janji dulu..
ANura says: kau tahu dia jawab apa ?
ANura says: dia suruh tanya diri aku sendiri
ANura says: aku kata asal nak tanya diri aku sendiri?

hmmm.. ini kira kawan stab kawan.. ni
ME: abih apa dia jwb?
ANura says: memang pun...
ANura says:
dia suruh tanya diri aku sendiri
ANura says: abis aku cakap lah yang dia pentingkan diri sendiri untuk dapatkan Daniza
ME: dia yg sepatutnya tanya diri nya sendiri
ANura says:
dia tak rasa bersalah tau!
ANura says: dia tak rasa perbuatan dia tu kianat

dia tau rahsia Daniza dan TELAH BERJANJI dgn AWAK..tak kan MEMBERITAU Daniza tapi...
ME: awak pun kata .. dia kan EGO
ANura says: tu lah aku pecah rahsia pun pasal dia tergila sangat dengan Daniza masa tu Daniza dah gaduh dan tak layan dia lagi
ANura says: dan dia kata tak kisah siapa Daniza
ANura says: aku cerite lah pasal dia terlalu memuji Daniza
ANura says: dia tak fikir aku kawan dia...

ANura says: dulu masa dia dah gaduh dengan Daniza, dia selalu kol aku balik kan...
ANura says: sebagai kawan yang dah lama aku layan dia
ANura says:
dia pernah cakap tak perduli dengan perasaan orang lain asalkan dia dapat bbual ngan Daniza cam dulu

ANura says: tapi tadi aku cakap ngan dia aku tak pernah bocorkan rahsia dia sehingga Daniza maki2 aku dan jerit2 tanpa bertanya terlebih dahulu.
ANura says: asal Daniza mesti cemburu dengan aku...pasal masa tu dia dah putus
ANura says: mati bakar pun pernah merayu aku selepas itu

ME: ok
ANura says: kau tahu kalau aku cerite pasal mati bakar mengurat aku Daniza mesti bunuh diri punya.
ANura says: hehehehehehe
ANura says: kita tadi chat tak lama...

ANura says: bila aku tanya dia kenapa dia pecahkan rahsia sedangkan aku tak pernah cerite pasal dia dengan Daniza....dia beri alasan dia sibuk lain kali sambung
ANura says: apa lah yang disibukkan

ME: dia yg sendiri bocor rahsia.. TAK NAK MENGAKU abih nak stab kawan sendiri

ME: awak nak tau knp SEMUA KAWAN awak dia nak kenal? linda shafie, jaja, saya dan daniza? saya rasa saya tau knp
ANura says: asal?
ME: ok... kalau dia nak stab kawan nya sendiri senang la...

dgn jaja tak menjadi... sama seperti saya dan linda.. tapi dgn Daniza..DAH MENJADI.. DIA BERJAYA MENGUNNAKAN DANIZA UTK STAB KAWANNYA SENDIRI!
ME: awak faham?
ANura says: tak faham...
ANura says: pasal dia kata aku yang stab dorang
ME: sebab itu lah dia nak kenal dgn kawan awak tu semua...dia nak kawan awak tinggal kan awak..sebab awak dah pecahkan rahsia ke apa ke... padahal INI SEMUA DIANYA Angkara

ANura says: aku tak heran lah dan tak takut
ANura says: bukan dia kasi makan aku
ANura says: Allah tu tau siapa yang salah
ANura says: tadi aku tanya dia dia banyak mengelak
ANura says: dan aku kasi tahu dia yang sekarang Daniza menghasut engkau untuk tidak percayakan aku
ANura says: dia tak cakap apa2 dia suruh aku tanya diri aku sendiri...
ANura says: kelakarkan...

ME: MENGARUT LAH si Egoistic guy tu! Agaknya dia yg menghasut Daniza supaya Daniza hasut saya untk tinggalkan awak!
ANura says: memang pun
ME: semua tak tau apa yg dia tau ialah untuk mendptkan Daniza

ANura says: kau tau dia stab aku cam gitu pasal dia tahu cerite aku ngan jaja dan kawan lelaki chat yang pernah kita salah faham
ANura says: tapi dia dah nilaikan aku teruk cam mana aku buat Daniza
ANura says: teruk ker aku ni
ANura says: Daniza cuma kenal aku 2 tahun
ANura says: jaja ,shafie dan aku kenal lebih dari tu...kita selisih faham tapi tetap kawan baik
ANura says: pernah gaduh tapi bawa mufakat
ANura says: Nampaknya Daniza pandang aku rendah
ANura says: jaja dan shafie tahu akunya gila tapi dorang tau tahap melayan aku sampai mana...

ME: si mati bakar tau pasal poem yg Daniza karang kat blogspot dia
ANura says: mana aku tahu
ME: awak tak tanya?
ANura says:
dia mesti dah bacalah kan itu blogspot dia
ANura says: tak kuasa aku nak tanya
ANura says: nanti kau tanya Daniza asal tak tulis lagi dalam blogspot mati bakar dan lihat apa dia cakap nanti

ANura says: lepas tu dia mesti buat baru tuk mati bakar
ANura says: hahahahahah...
ANura says: dia tukar password ingat aku tak tahu ke
ANura says: bodohkan

ANura says: kau selalu tolong aku
ANura says: tapi asal Daniza nak cari salah aku dengan tulisan dia pada kau
ANura says:
kau perasaaan tak?
ME: tak perasan pun yg daniza nak cari salah awak dgn tulisannya pada saya
ANura says: dia kan cakap aku selalu minta tolong buat blog aku kalau tak nanti aku cakap merepek tentang kau
ANura says: tu kan namanya menghasut

ANura says: maria ...aku sebenarnya boleh di ajak berunding
ANura says: aku tak suka sebuah persahabatan tu terputus hanya kerana salah faham
ANura says: aku hargai sebuah persahabatan
ME: ialah tapi kalau dia dah berunding dgn awak pun...dia akan beritau si mati bakar.. dan mati bakar akan kata yg opposite... n it goes round n round...
pun tak guna kan... so kalau nak ajak dia berunding.. tunggu lah sampai si mati bakar tu mati kena GANTUNG KERANA KESALAHAN PEMBUNUHAN

ANura says: maria kau masih nak main msg ngan daniza?
ME: dulu dia pernah katakan pada awak...yg bila saya email dia.. dia malas nak layan.. dia kata merepek lah.. saya tak email pada dia saja.. itu kan forward msg... saya forward pada semua..kalau dia tak suka...dia kena ckp lah face to face ke
ME: atau reply email ke atau sms mengatakan jgn flood dia nye email
ME: org lain flood saya nye email saya tak ckp apa pun...

Daniel Zahid KNWS DANIZA'S SECRET n he told Anura abt it and make a promise wif her NOT TO TELL DANIZA. But look wat happen? Daniza thinks tat Anura is da one who let out Daniza's secret. Isnt Daniel great? He certainly knws how to bastard his friend! Mcm mana dia nak beristeri? Kalau dia berani bastard kawannya.. apa lagi isterinya/kekasihnya..

Daniza.. u r so proud n haf no sense of shame when U tell ur secret TO ALL DA VOLUNTEERS. I wasnt there BUT IF ALL VOLUNTEERS EXCEPT ME KNWS..N NOW I GOT TO KNW... I dun think it is a big issue. IF U R NOT EMBARASSED N TELL ALL DA VOLUNTEERS, Y DEN U R EMBARASSED TO TELL TAT SECRET TO DANIEL? When Daniel got 2knw, u were enraged n point fingers at Anura! Y Anura? Y u n Daniel like to blame Anura?

All i can say is: Daniel is at fault! He deliberately let out da secret and SCARED TAT U WILL LEAVE HIM UPON KNWING HE KNWS UR SECRET.. HE PUSHED DA BLAME to Anura. Hebat kekasih kau! Aku salute dia!

Just have a deep thot abt tis: Maybe u made him angry...n out of anger, he may have blurted it out BUT IN A WRONG WAY! He blurted it out and mentioned Anura's name. Maybe, U asked Daniel how he knws n he bastard his friend: Anura, he points da blame to Anura. And u without wanting 2ask or listen to Anura, bombarded her wif abusive smses...So have a deep thot abt tis n think smartly who is actually at fault.

U once told me in friendster msg tat there was sumone out there who tried 2backstab us n has hit u first. I dun think its Anura. I knw its Daniel. He has succeed in USING U to bastard his own friend. And I think now, he is also USING U to tell me to bastard Anura.

I WILL neva betray, bastard or stab my friends. To me, friends r like a second family. If our family cant understand us, we still have our friends. So Daniza have a deep thot.

To Be Continued: How Daniel got to knw Daniza? How he do it? Stay tuned..

Amyria pours her heart out @ 4:52 pm   |

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Back with da story

B4 reading da story.. guess where i am now? Work? Nope.. I am in sch!! I have exam 2day (Quantitative Methods) so i off frm work! Huh? B back 2work tmr? NOPE. Coz they gave me 2days off! Haha! They say..studies r impt.. Woo-hoo... I have "Long" weekend huh? Hehe.. Anyway.. now, BACK WITH DA SENSASI STORY.

Continued from May 18. Part 4 now. On 18 May, I stopped after blogging tat he send me an email with an attachment entitled "Hello". I also mentioned tat he was being sarcastic in tat letter. Wanna knw da contents of da letter? In my own words n summary version,here it is:
Da contents of da letter stated tat he was shocked 2find out tat i am materialistic! He said da way I wrote in my blogspot a few weeks ago was too arrogant. Only wanna think tat I was da only person has or pursuing a degree. Like as if, there were no other pple. He said i was too proud 2show off tat wat i was doing (as in pursuing a degree).


In da 2nd paragraph, he mentioned if i knw he is an graduate frm UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE (I forgot da degree he took). He also mentioned tat he used 2own a BMW car and used 2live alone in a condominium. I read tat letter frm start 2end.. I didnt miss ANY parts of it. I read it attentively. In my mind was tis: He thinks if he still have all those things, he can win my heart.. and if he did win my heart.. tat only proves tat i am materialistic according 2him.. Still... NO NO is da ans. I dun give a damn if he has all tat! Why? Coz soon, i will have one of those too! Tak hairan laH!

Da 3rd paragraph, he was insulting me. YES! Wat did he say? Well, b4 i tel u.. Let me tel u sumting first. IF MY FAMILY MEMBERS CANT FORCE ME OR TELL ME TO DO SUMTING, OUTSIDERS HAVE NO RIGHT TO TEL ME TO DO SO!

Da contents was: "Tak malu ke sampai skg tak tau masak? Dan belajar ke dapur dulu baru boleh bercinta." Huh! bila masa aku bercinta??? Translate: Until now, u still do not knw how to cook. Like very awkward.. And learn 2cook first, den u wanna find love by all means go ahead.

W.T.F! Who da hell he thinks he is 2tell me 2 learn cooking?! My grandma n my mum had tell me upteen times 2learn cooking but i put on deaf ears n now they gave up...den tis guy who juz knw me by online for a few months can have da cheek 2tell me tat i shld learn cooking?! I HATE IT KALAU OUTSIDERS MASUK CAMPUR HAL FAMILY AKU!!! I HATE IT IF OUTSIDERS INTERFERING MY HOME LIFE!!!! DUN LET ME REPEAT TIS AGAIN!

Y muz he care if i knw or dun knw how 2cook? Whether i like or dun like cooking, whether i wanna learn or not cooking... Y muz he care?! My wish la! My own life! I WONT DIE IF I CANT COOK! If I'm hungry, there's always a hawker centre, food centre or fast food restaurant nearby.

Readers do u find it insulting wif da way he wrote: Learn how 2cook first, den can find love? Well, i dun think it was only insulting BUT sarcasting! Doesnt mean we haf 2learn cooking first den can find love? If love came 2us first, juz grab it la! If da guy really loves us, he can wait till da gal knws how 2cook blah blah blah.. Or if he knw cooking n loves da girl so much.. he willing 2 teach her how 2 cook! So y muz learn cooking first den can find love? Rubbish >> JGN NAK MENGARUT!

So how do i respond 2 da letter aft i read it? No comment.. At tat time i was blur so i juz typed. Oh really.. Ok sorry.. But i didnt mean 2apologize.. I wasnt in da wrong! He was! He shld apologized for writing all tat.

I forward tat letter 2Ainn n Anura. Ainn was enraged! She said "how dare he thinks my best friend materialistic! And who is he 2tell Maria learn cooking. I, her best friend, also had advised her n tell her to learn cooking, she put on deaf ears...yet alone him!"

Anura juz say: Dia tu menyindir kau. Dia setakat sekolah melayu ah.. University of Cambridge?! Mengarut lah tu. Kalau dia University of Cambridge, asal dia tak kerja apa yg dia belajar? Apasal dia buka bisness memasak? Translate: Tat letter was meant as a sarcasm 2u. He went malay sch la. Graduate frm University Cambridge? Bullshit ah. If he is a graduate of Cambridge University, y da hell he worked in an F & B business?

Da question who is da materialistic one...is HIM! Not Me! Words travel very fast. I hear everything very perfectly.. I made my own research. B4, Daniel got 2knw me, he got 2knw another volunteer. At tat time, tat volunteer was still in local Poly doing Accountancy (i didnt wana use her name coz i havent ask her n if i were 2use her name, sum other volunteers will think tat i am defaming her - although i am not)

He didnt knw her no. They juz chat in Yahoo (i think) he asked her a lot of accounts questions.. Ala... standard la.. if he wants 2tackle gals... watever field da gal is studying, he will use tat as a topic of chatting. I already "kena" a lot of times, he asked abt domain names for websites...blah blah.

So they chat n chat. Kadang2 tu, tat volunteer malas nak layan. Daniel asked Accounting stuffs... how 2improve on his business accounts.. (i think so, tats wat i heard n I KNW ITS DA TRUTH) DANIEL..DANIEL.. U WANNA TACKLE GALS, DUN BOAST SAYING U R A BUSINESSMAN OR WAS ONCE A BUSINESSMAN.. Kita org perempuan TAK HERAN LAH walaupun KAU BUSINESSMAN!

Anura mentioned 2me b4 tat aft I rejected his proposal, he asked Anura for tat volunteer's no. Dia nak kenal balik dgn gadis tu. (He wants 2get 2knw tat volunteer again) WANNA KNW Y?
Anura n him r friends for 7 years. So Anura basically shared everything abt her 2him la. So, Anura did tell him tat volunteer has a car. He kept quiet, no reaction coz he was interested 2 "goda" me.



So readers, who is materialistic? ME or HIM? Of coz HIM! Not only is he MATERIALISTIC, he is also an EGOISTIC guy! He doesnt wana admit his mistakes. Y i say tat? HE KNWS TAT HE IS MATERIALISTIC.. BUT HE DIDNT WANA TEL IT N PUT DA BLAME 2 OTHERS.. N TAT OTHERS IS ME!!! C HOW FUCKING EGOISTIC IS HE?!

tO Be Continued...

Amyria pours her heart out @ 11:44 am   |

The Lady

Amy Maria, 27 year old femme, who loves singing as her passion. Relatively a quiet person, especially towards people she doesn't know very well. However, people who she call her friends, know her as a very cheerful, friendly and a little talkative kinda person. Basically, she thinks everybody can reach nearly every goal, just need a great portion of staying power, motivation, and enthusiasm. She also believes that she's patient and relatively calm - in the past, even so, sometimes she still can be very quick-tempered. On the contrary, most of the time she loves to accept challenges. She has purity and sweetness of a girl. And no matter how old she get, she can stay youthful. She also possesses a motherly character. She is kind and can show consideration to others. Once she starts on something, she will not give up half way, or show weakness. She knows how to get on in life. She is rather suspicious type of person. She doesn't tend to take every word of other person straightly.

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Her Reflections

Parti Sutra , Hasniza's Wedding, Asian Idol Celebration, 30 Dec 2007 At Jurong Point, Aliff Aziz at Bukit Panjang Plaza, LIVE THE DREAM Jurong Point Roadshow, Thank You Roadshow, Anugerah 2007 FINALISTS Roadshow, Splash of Colours Family Day, Me and Dira @ Vivo City, Keep The Heritage Alive, 25 Feb 2007, Hady's 2007 Birthday Bash, Hady @ VivoCity, HapyHadys Gathering, Roadshow @ Jurong Pt , Selamat Pengantin Baru, Po Yee's Birthday, BSB Concert, SCDF Heritage Gallery, WESSC Camp 2005, Anugerah 2005 VCD Launch, Lime Sonic Bang, Konsert Hanyut, Bazar Raya Utara, Rosliah's Wedding, Mike's Farewell,

Her History

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Her Cliques

Aiser. Alice. Aphrodite . Ayu. Az Revalina. Baby Seniorita. Elia's old Blog. Elia's new Blog. Fairuz . Farah. Fat Cat. Fikq HapyHady. Ijah. Kak Juliza. Maria Shazwani. Melissa. Melia HapyHady. Mulyadi. Nulyz. Ria HapyHady. Rizar. Sabrina . Salmah. Shidah. Shirin Hushairi. SV HapyHady . Syafiqah HapyHady . Syaliza. Syasya . Syidah's OLD blog. Syidah's NEW blog. Tia. Wawan. Zohra HapyHady.

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